Displaying 61 – 80 of 303

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Bringing introspection into BlobSeer: Towards a self-adaptive distributed data management system

Alexandra Carpen-Amarie, Alexandru Costan, Jing Cai, Gabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé (2011)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Introspection is the prerequisite of autonomic behavior, the first step towards performance improvement and resource usage optimization for large-scale distributed systems. In grid environments, the task of observing the application behavior is assigned to monitoring systems. However, most of them are designed to provide general resource information and do not consider specific information for higher-level services. More precisely, in the context of data-intensive applications, a specific introspection...

Characterizing the complexity of boolean functions represented by well-structured graph-driven parity-FBDDs

Henrik Brosenne, Matthias Homeister, Stephan Waack (2002)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We investigate well-structured graph-driven parity-FBDDs, which strictly generalize the two well-known models parity OBDDs and well-structured graph-driven FBDDs. The first main result is a characterization of the complexity of Boolean functions represented by well-structured graph-driven parity-FBDDs in terms of invariants of the function represented and the graph-ordering used. As a consequence, we derive a lower bound criterion and prove an exponential lower bound for certain linear code functions....

Characterizing the Complexity of Boolean Functions represented by Well-Structured Graph-Driven Parity-FBDDs

Henrik Brosenne, Matthias Homeister, Stephan Waack (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We investigate well-structured graph-driven parity-FBDDs, which strictly generalize the two well-known models parity OBDDs and well-structured graph-driven FBDDs. The first main result is a characterization of the complexity of Boolean functions represented by well-structured graph-driven parity-FBDDs in terms of invariants of the function represented and the graph-ordering used. As a consequence, we derive a lower bound criterion and prove an exponential lower bound for certain linear code functions. The...

Codes that attain minimum distance in every possible direction

Gyula Katona, Attila Sali, Klaus-Dieter Schewe (2008)

Open Mathematics

The following problem motivated by investigation of databases is studied. Let 𝒞 be a q-ary code of length n with the properties that 𝒞 has minimum distance at least n − k + 1, and for any set of k − 1 coordinates there exist two codewords that agree exactly there. Let f(q, k)be the maximum n for which such a code exists. f(q, k)is bounded by linear functions of k and q, and the exact values for special k and qare determined.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 303