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Finite completion of comma-free codes. Part 1

Nguyen Huong Lam (2004)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

This paper is the first step in the solution of the problem of finite completion of comma-free codes. We show that every finite comma-free code is included in a finite comma-free code of particular kind, which we called, for lack of a better term, canonical comma-free code. Certainly, finite maximal comma-free codes are always canonical. The final step of the solution which consists in proving further that every canonical comma-free code is completed to a finite maximal comma-free code, is intended...

Finite Completion of comma-free codes Part 1

Nguyen Huong Lam (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

This paper is the first step in the solution of the problem of finite completion of comma-free codes. We show that every finite comma-free code is included in a finite comma-free code of particular kind, which we called, for lack of a better term, canonical comma-free code. Certainly, finite maximal comma-free codes are always canonical. The final step of the solution which consists in proving further that every canonical comma-free code is completed to a finite maximal comma-free code, is intended...

Finite completion of comma-free codes. Part 2

Nguyen Huong Lam (2004)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

This paper is a sequel to an earlier paper of the present author, in which it was proved that every finite comma-free code is embedded into a so-called (finite) canonical comma-free code. In this paper, it is proved that every (finite) canonical comma-free code is embedded into a finite maximal comma-free code, which thus achieves the conclusion that every finite comma-free code has finite completions.

Finite Completion of comma-free codes Part 2

Nguyen Huong Lam (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

This paper is a sequel to an earlier paper of the present author, in which it was proved that every finite comma-free code is embedded into a so-called (finite) canonical comma-free code. In this paper, it is proved that every (finite) canonical comma-free code is embedded into a finite maximal comma-free code, which thus achieves the conclusion that every finite comma-free code has finite completions.

Flexible information retrieval: some research trends.

Gabriella Pasi (2002)

Mathware and Soft Computing

In this paper some research trends in the field of Information Retrieval are presented. The focus is on the definition of flexible systems, i.e. systems that can represent and manage the vagueness and uncertainty which is characteristic of the process of information searching and retrieval. In this paper the application of soft computing techniques is considered, in particular fuzzy set theory.

Flexible representation and querying of heterogeneous structured documents

Gloria Bordogna, Gabriella Pasi (2000)


In this paper we present a fuzzy model for representing documents having a hierarchical structure and possibly containing multimedia information. We consider an archive containing documents with distinct (heterogeneous) logical structures. We also propose a flexible query language for expressing soft selection conditions on the structured documents. The documents’ content is organized into thematic (topical) sections where the index terms play a distinct role. The proposed document representation...

Formalization of Provenes fuzzy functional dependency in fuzzy databases.

Nedzad Dukic, Zikrija Avdagic (2004)

Mathware and Soft Computing

In this paper we establish equivalence between a theory of fuzzy functional dependences and a fragment of fuzzy logic. We give a way to interpret fuzzy functional dependences as formulas in fuzzy logic. This goal is realized in a few steps. Truth assignment of attributes is defined in terms of closeness between two tuples in a fuzzy relation. A corresponding fuzzy formula is associated to a fuzzy functional dependence. It is proved that if a relation satisfies a fuzzy functional dependence, then...

Formalization of the Advanced Encryption Standard. Part I

Kenichi Arai, Hiroyuki Okazaki (2013)

Formalized Mathematics

In this article, we formalize the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). AES, which is the most widely used symmetric cryptosystem in the world, is a block cipher that was selected by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as an official Federal Information Processing Standard for the United States in 2001 [12]. AES is the successor to DES [13], which was formerly the most widely used symmetric cryptosystem in the world. We formalize the AES algorithm according to [12]. We then verify...

FSM encoding for BDD representations

Wilsin Gosti, Tiziano Villa, Alex Saldanha, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli (2007)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

We address the problem of encoding the state variables of a finite state machine such that the BDD representing the next state function and the output function has the minimum number of nodes. We present an exact algorithm to solve this problem when only the present state variables are encoded. We provide results on MCNC benchmark circuits.

Fuzzy adaptation for information access to digital libraries.

Camino Fernández, Ignacio Aedo, Paloma Díaz, Vicente Matellán (2000)

Mathware and Soft Computing

Different models have been proposed to build systems that adapt to the user reducing the complexity in the information browsing process, saving user time and offering personalised interfaces. The work described in this paper named WAY-Z39.50, is an example of adaptive system specially built for accessing digital libraries. A fuzzy decision mechanism is used to implement the adaptation of both the user interface and the information searching process. This paper describes how this system has been...

Fuzzy clustering: Insights and new approach.

Frank Klawonn (2004)

Mathware and Soft Computing

Fuzzy clustering extends crisp clustering in the sense that objects can belong to various clusters with different membership degrees at the same time, whereas crisp or deterministic clustering assigns each object to a unique cluster. The standard approach to fuzzy clustering introduces the so-called fuzzifier which controls how much clusters may overlap. In this paper we illustrate, how this fuzzifier can help to reduce the number of undesired local minima of the objective function that is associated...

Fuzzy decision trees to help flexible querying

Christophe Marsala (2000)


Fuzzy data mining by means of the fuzzy decision tree method enables the construction of a set of fuzzy rules. Such a rule set can be associated with a database as a knowledge base that can be used to help answering frequent queries. In this paper, a study is done that enables us to show that classification by means of a fuzzy decision tree is equivalent to the generalized modus ponens. Moreover, it is shown that the decision taken by means of a fuzzy decision tree is more stable when observation...

Fuzzy querying: issues and perspectives

Janusz Kacprzyk, Gabriella Pasi, Peter Vojtáš, Sławomir Zadrożny (2000)


The term query is widely used in the database as well as information retrieval communities. Basically, a query against a collection of information items (to be called later, for brevity, an information source) provides a formal description of the items of interest to the user posing this query. A source of information is meant here very generally. It may take the form of an archive of multimedia or textual documents, a database, or a knowledge base. In the three previous examples the information...

Fuzzy systems and neural networks XML schemas for Soft Computing.

Adolfo Rodríguez de Soto, Conrado Andreu Capdevila, E. C. Fernández (2003)

Mathware and Soft Computing

This article presents an XML[2] based language for the specification of objects in the Soft Computing area. The design promotes reuse and takes a compositional approach in which more complex constructs are built from simpler ones; it is also independent of implementation details as the definition of the language only states the expected behaviour of every possible implementation. Here the basic structures for the specification of concepts in the Fuzzy Logic area are described and a simple construct...

Fuzzy XML queries via context-based choice of aggregations

Ernesto Damiani, Letizia Tanca, Francesca Arcelli Fontana (2000)


A flexible query model is presented for semi-structured information stored in well-formed XML documents, modeled as XML fuzzy graphs by computing estimates of the importance of the information associated to XML elements and attributes. The notion of fuzzy graph closure with threshold is then used to obtain a fuzzy extension of the XML fuzzy graphs’ topological structure. Weights associated to closure arcs are computed as a conjunction of the importance values of the underlying arcs in the original...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 303