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Formal Methods to Improve Public Administration Business Processes

Andrea Polini, Andrea Polzonetti, Barbara Re (2012)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Starting from late 90’s the public administration has started to employ a quite relevant amount of its budget in developing ICT solutions to better deliver services to citizens. In spite of this effort many statistics show that the mere availability of ICT based services does not guarantee per se their usage. Citizens have continued to largely access services through “traditional” means. In our study we suggest that the highlighted situation is partly due to the fact that relevant domain dependent...

Formal Methods to Improve Public Administration Business Processes

Andrea Polini, Andrea Polzonetti, Barbara Re (2012)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Starting from late 90’s the public administration has started to employ a quite relevant amount of its budget in developing ICT solutions to better deliver services to citizens. In spite of this effort many statistics show that the mere availability of ICT based services does not guarantee per se their usage. Citizens have continued to largely access services through “traditional” means. In our study we suggest that the highlighted situation is partly...

Formulation of Cell Petri Nets

Mitsuru Jitsukawa, Pauline N. Kawamoto, Yasunari Shidama (2013)

Formalized Mathematics

Based on the Petri net definitions and theorems already formalized in the Mizar article [13], in this article we were able to formalize the definition of cell Petri nets. It is based on [12]. Colored Petri net has already been defined in [11]. In addition, the conditions of the firing rule and the colored set to this definition, that defines the cell Petri nets are further extended to CPNT.i further. The synthesis of two Petri nets was introduced in [11] and in this work the definition is extended...

FSP and FLTL framework for specification and verification of middle-agents

Amelia Bădică, Costin Bădică (2011)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Agents are a useful abstraction frequently employed as a basic building block in modeling service, information and resource sharing in global environments. The connecting of requester with provider agents requires the use of specialized agents known as middle-agents. In this paper, we propose a formal framework intended to precisely characterize types of middle-agents with a special focus on matchmakers, brokers and front-agents by formally modeling their interactions with requesters and providers....

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