Scheduled hot-potato routing.
We study a particular digraph dynamical system, the so called digraph diclique operator. Dicliques have frequently appeared in the literature the last years in connection with the construction and analysis of different types of networks, for instance biochemical, neural, ecological, sociological and computer networks among others. Let be a reflexive digraph (or network). Consider and (not necessarily disjoint) nonempty subsets of vertices (or nodes) of . A disimplex of is the subdigraph...
We investigate the Sandpile Model and Chip Firing Game and an extension of these models on cycle graphs. The extended model consists of allowing a negative number of chips at each vertex. We give the characterization of reachable configurations and of fixed points of each model. At the end, we give explicit formula for the number of their fixed points.
Vertex-degree parity in large implicit “exchange graphs” implies some EP theorems asserting the existence of a second object without evidently providing a polytime algorithm for finding a second object.