Techniques for the refinement of orthogonal graph drawings.
It was conjectured by Fan and Raspaud (1994) that every bridgeless cubic graph contains three perfect matchings such that every edge belongs to at most two of them. We show a randomized algorithmic way of finding Fan-Raspaud colorings of a given cubic graph and, analyzing the computer results, we try to find and describe the Fan-Raspaud colorings for some selected classes of cubic graphs. The presented algorithms can then be applied to the pair assignment problem in cubic computer networks. Another...
The problem is to modify the capacities of the arcs from a network so that a given feasible flow becomes a maximum flow and the maximum change of the capacities on arcs is minimum. A very fast O(m⋅log(n)) time complexity algorithm for solving this problem is presented, where m is the number of arcs and n is the number of nodes of the network. The case when both, lower and upper bounds of the flow can be modified so that the given feasible flow becomes a maximum flow is also discussed. The algorithm...
The sum-product algorithm is a well-known procedure for marginalizing an “acyclic” product function whose range is the ground set of a commutative semiring. The algorithm is general enough to include as special cases several classical algorithms developed in information theory and probability theory. We present four results. First, using the sum-product algorithm we show that the variable sets involved in an acyclic factorization satisfy a relation that is a natural generalization of probability-theoretic...
Analyzing genomic data for finding those gene variations which are responsible for hereditary diseases is one of the great challenges in modern bioinformatics. In many living beings (including the human), every gene is present in two copies, inherited from the two parents, the so-called haplotypes. In this paper, we propose a simple combinatorial model for classifying the set of haplotypes in a population according to their responsibility for a certain genetic disease. This model is based...