Displaying 121 – 140 of 149

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Some methods of constructing kernels in statistical learning

Tomasz Górecki, Maciej Łuczak (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

This paper is a collection of numerous methods and results concerning a design of kernel functions. It gives a short overview of methods of building kernels in metric spaces, especially R n and S n . However we also present a new theory. Introducing kernels was motivated by searching for non-linear patterns by using linear functions in a feature space created using a non-linear feature map.

Spectral fuzzy classification system: a supervised approach.

Ana Del Amo, Daniel Gómez, Javier Montero (2003)

Mathware and Soft Computing

The goal of this paper is to present all algorithm for pattern recognition, leveraging on an existing fuzzy clustering algorithm developed by Del Amo et al. [3, 5], and modifying it to its supervised version, in order to apply the algorithm to different pattern recognition applications in Remote Sensing. The main goal is to recognize the object and stop the search depending on the precision of the application. The referred algorithm was the core of a classification system based on Fuzzy Sets Theory...

Strict maximum separability of two finite sets: an algorithmic approach

Dorota Cendrowska (2005)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The paper presents a recursive algorithm for the investigation of a strict,linear separation in the Euclidean space. In the case when sets are linearly separable, it allows us to determine the coefficients of the hyperplanes. An example of using this algorithm as well as its drawbacks are shown. Then the algorithm of determining an optimal separation (in the sense of maximizing the distance between the two sets) is presented.

Text document classification based on mixture models

Jana Novovičová, Antonín Malík (2004)


Finite mixture modelling of class-conditional distributions is a standard method in a statistical pattern recognition. This paper, using bag-of-words vector document representation, explores the use of the mixture of multinomial distributions as a model for class-conditional distribution for multiclass text document classification task. Experimental comparison of the proposed model and the standard Bernoulli and multinomial models as well as the model based on mixture of multivariate Bernoulli distributions...

The finite automata approaches in stringology

Jan Holub (2012)


We present an overview of four approaches of the finite automata use in stringology: deterministic finite automaton, deterministic simulation of nondeterministic finite automaton, finite automaton as a model of computation, and compositions of finite automata solutions. We also show how the finite automata can process strings build over more complex alphabet than just single symbols (degenerate symbols, strings, variables).

Theory of classification : a survey of some recent advances

Stéphane Boucheron, Olivier Bousquet, Gábor Lugosi (2005)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

The last few years have witnessed important new developments in the theory and practice of pattern classification. We intend to survey some of the main new ideas that have led to these recent results.

Theory of Classification: a Survey of Some Recent Advances

Stéphane Boucheron, Olivier Bousquet, Gábor Lugosi (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

The last few years have witnessed important new developments in the theory and practice of pattern classification. We intend to survey some of the main new ideas that have led to these recent results.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 149