Displaying 121 – 140 of 220

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A terminal area topology-independent GB-based conflict detection system for A-SMGCS.

Eugenio Roanes Lozano, Rafael Muga, Luis M. Laita, Eugenio Roanes Macías (2004)


A module for conflict detection in A-SMGCS is presented. It supervises the operations that the ground controller has to perform. It doesn?t depend on the topology of the terminal area. The system guarantees the safety of the proposed situation, that is, the impossibility that a conflict arises among aircrafts (and also road vehicles) obeying the signaling. We suppose that the terminal area has stop bars (or semaphores) controlling all intersections and accesses between runways, taxiways, exits,...

A theory of refinement structure of hedge algebras and its applications to fuzzy logic

Nguyen Ho, Huynh Nam (1999)

Banach Center Publications

In [13], an algebraic approach to the natural structure of domains of linguistic variables was introduced. In this approach, every linguistic domain can be interpreted as an algebraic structure called a hedge algebra. In this paper, a refinement structure of hedge algebras based on free distributive lattices generated by linguistic hedge operations will be examined in order to model structure of linguistic domains more properly. In solving this question, we restrict our consideration to the specific...

A variant of gravitational classification

Tomasz Górecki, Maciej Luczak (2014)

Biometrical Letters

In this article there is proposed a new two-parametrical variant of the gravitational classification method. We use the general idea of objects' behavior in a gravity field. Classification depends on a test object's motion in a gravity field of training points. To solve this motion problem, we use a simulation method. This classifier is compared to the 1NN method, because our method tends towards it for some parameter values. Experimental results on different data sets demonstrate an improvement...

A viscosity solution method for Shape-From-Shading without image boundary data

Emmanuel Prados, Fabio Camilli, Olivier Faugeras (2006)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper we propose a solution of the Lambertian shape-from-shading (SFS) problem by designing a new mathematical framework based on the notion of viscosity solution. The power of our approach is twofolds: (1) it defines a notion of weak solutions (in the viscosity sense) which does not necessarily require boundary data. Moreover, it allows to characterize the viscosity solutions by their “minimums”; and (2) it unifies the works of [Rouy and Tourin, SIAM J. Numer. Anal.29 (1992) 867–884],...

About the choice of the variable to unassign in a decision repair algorithm

Cédric Pralet, Gérard Verfaillie (2005)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

The decision repair algorithm (Jussien and Lhomme, Artificial Intelligence 139 (2002) 21–45), which has been designed to solve constraint satisfaction problems (CSP), can be seen, either (i) as an extension of the classical depth first tree search algorithm with the introduction of a free choice of the variable to which to backtrack in case of inconsistency, or (ii) as a local search algorithm in the space of the partial consistent variable assignments. or (iii) as a hybridisation between local...

About the choice of the variable to unassign in a decision repair algorithm

Cédric Pralet, Gérard Verfaillie (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

The decision repair algorithm (Jussien and Lhomme, Artificial Intelligence139 (2002) 21–45), which has been designed to solve constraint satisfaction problems (CSP), can be seen, either (i) as an extension of the classical depth first tree search algorithm with the introduction of a free choice of the variable to which to backtrack in case of inconsistency, or (ii) as a local search algorithm in the space of the partial consistent variable assignments. or (iii) as a hybridisation between local...

About the maximum information and maximum likelihood principles

Igor Vajda, Jiří Grim (1998)


Neural networks with radial basis functions are considered, and the Shannon information in their output concerning input. The role of information- preserving input transformations is discussed when the network is specified by the maximum information principle and by the maximum likelihood principle. A transformation is found which simplifies the input structure in the sense that it minimizes the entropy in the class of all information-preserving transformations. Such transformation need not be unique...

Agent-oriented abstraction.

Jacques Calmet, Pierre Maret, Regine Endsuleit (2004)


We define an agent-oriented abstraction formalism devoted to generalized theories of abstraction that have been proposed in Artificial Intelligence. The model we propose extends the abstraction capabilities of the existing Agent-Oriented Programming paradigm. This short note reviews first the existing attempts to define abstraction in AI and in agent systems. Then, our model is introduced in terms of six definitions covering the concepts of agents, annotated knowledge, utility and society of agents....

Aggregation, Non-Contradiction and Excluded-Middle.

Ana Pradera, Enric Trillas (2006)

Mathware and Soft Computing

This paper investigates the satisfaction of the Non-Contradiction (NC) and Excluded-Middle (EM) laws within the domain of aggregation operators. It provides characterizations both for those aggregation operators that satisfy NC/EM with respect to (w.r.t.) some given strong negation, as well as for those satisfying them w.r.t. any strong negation. The results obtained are applied to some of the most important known classes of aggregation operators.

Aggregations preserving classes of fuzzy relations

Józef Drewniak, Urszula Dudziak (2005)


We consider aggregations of fuzzy relations using means in [0,1] (especially: minimum, maximum and quasilinear mean). After recalling fundamental properties of fuzzy relations we examine means, which preserve reflexivity, symmetry, connectedness and transitivity of fuzzy relations. Conversely, some properties of aggregated relations can be inferred from properties of aggregation results. Results of the paper are completed by suitable examples and counter- examples, which is summarized in a special...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 220