Conjugacy of subgroups of the general linear group.
Cet article constitue une présentation unifiée des principales méthodes de construction du treillis de Galois d'une correspondance. Nous rappelons d'abord sa définition, puis nous décrivons quatre algorithmes de construction des éléments du treillis qui sont les rectangles maximaux de la relation binaire. Ces algorithmes ne sont pas originaux. Les descriptions précises de algorithmes, le plus souvent absentes des publications originales, permettent une programmation simple, dans un langage procédural...
Sensitivity information is required by numerous applications such as, for example, optimization algorithms, parameter estimations or real time control. Sensitivities can be computed with working accuracy using the forward mode of automatic differentiation (AD). ADOL-C is an AD-tool for programs written in C or C++. Originally, when applying ADOL-C, tapes for values, operations and locations are written during the function evaluation to generate an internal function representation....
This paper reports a system based on the recently proposed evolutionary paradigm of gene expression programming (GEP). This enhanced system, called EGIPSYS, has features specially suited to deal with symbolic regression problems. Amongst the new features implemented in EGIPSYS are: new selection methods, chromosomes of variable length, a new approach to manipulating constants, new genetic operators and an adaptable fitness function. All the proposed improvements were tested separately, and proved...
A two-parametric system of close planar curves is defined in the introduction of the presented article. Next a theorem stating the existence of the envelope is presented and proved. A mathematical model of the collecting mechanism of the Horal forage trailer is developed and used for practical demonstrations. The collecting mechanism is a double joint system composed of three rods. An equation describing the trajectory of a random point of the working rod is derived using Maple. The trajectories...