A coding of real null four-momenta into world-sheet coordinates.
We make a case for the unique relevance of Cartan geometry for gauge theories of gravity and supergravity. We introduce our discussion by recapitulating historical threads, providing motivations. In a first part we review the geometry of classical gauge theory, as a background for understanding gauge theories of gravity in terms of Cartan geometry. The second part introduces the basics of the group manifold approach to supergravity, hinting at the deep rooted connections to Cartan supergeometry....
We define a new operad based on surfaces with foliations which contains suboperads. We construct CW models for these operads and provide applications of these models by giving actions on Hochschild complexes (thus making contact with string topology), by giving explicit cell representatives for the Dyer-Lashof-Cohen operations for the 2-cubes and by constructing new Ω spectra. The underlying novel principle is that we can trade genus in the surface representation vs. the dimension k of the little...
El artículo es una introducción a la transformación de Fourier-Mukai y sus aplicaciones a varios problemas de móduli, teoría de cuerdas y simetría "mirror". Se desarrollan los fundamentos necesarios para las transformaciones de Fourier-Mukai, entre ellos las categorías derivadas y los functores integrales. Se explican además sus versiones relativas, que se necesitan para precisar la noción de T-dualidad fibrada en variedades de Calabi-Yau elípticas de dimensión tres. Se consideran también varias...
In some previous papers [1, 2] we proposed a geometric formulation of continuum mechanics, where a continuous body is seen as a suitable differentiable fiber bundle C on the Galilean space-time M, beside a differential equation of order k, Ek(C), on C and the assignement of a frame Psi on M. This approach allowed us to treat continuum mechanics as a unitary field theory and to consider constitutive and dynamical properties in a more natural way. Further, the particular intrinsic geometrical framework...