Complexity and state-transitions in social dependence networks.
Social networks representing one or more relationships between individuals and one or more categorical characteristics of the individuals exhibit both structure and composition. Probabilistic models of such networks can be used for analyzing the interrelations between structural and compositional variables, for instance in order to find how structure can be explained by composition or how structure explains composition. Different models are discussed and different statistical methods are employed...
In this paper, we investigate the convergence behavior of the asymmetric Deffuant-Weisbuch (DW) models during the opinion evolution. Based on the convergence of the asymmetric DW model that generalizes the conventional DW model, we first propose a new concept, the separation time, to study the transient behavior during the DW model's opinion evolution. Then we provide an upper bound of the expected separation time with the help of stochastic analysis. Finally, we show relations of the separation...
In many western economies, the phenomenon of ageing population implies that the large Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGO) social security system will run into several severe financial difficulties. In that direction, this paper constructs a discrete-time stochastic model for a quasi PAYGO social security system to allow the potential accumulation of a special (contingency) fund, which can oscillate so as to absorb fluctuations in the various system parameters involved. The basic difference equation is analytically...
Our aim is to model the dynamics of social networks, which comprises the problem of how people get to know each other, like each other, detest each other, etc. Most existing models are stochastic in nature and, obviously, based on random events. Our approach is deterministic and based on ordinary differential equations. This should not be seen as a challenge to stochastic models, but rather as a complement.
On élabore un modèle mathématique de la discussion dans un groupe restreint en introduisant cinq variables qui sont : l'attitude de chaque individu vis-à-vis du problème posé, son coefficient d'intégration au groupe, la matrice des sympathies à l'intérieur du groupe, le sujet qui fait la nième intervention et ce qu'il dit. On peut alors construire un système aléatoire à liaisons complètes rendant compte de l'évolution de la discussion. En particularisant l'opérateur T de ce système, on retrouve...
This paper suggests models of the landscape complexes based on the theory of complex systems and category-functorial approach. With the use of the space Landsat images the existence of the Earth's landscape field is proved and criteria of its parameter characterization is suggested. The unity of spatiotemporal changes of the landscape units is substantiated.