Displaying 61 – 80 of 95

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Modeling of the Socio-Economic Potential of the Siberian Regions with Consideration for their Economic-Geographical Position in the National Economic System of the Russian Federation

A. V. Myadzelets (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

This paper is concerned with the methods of mathematical modeling of the socio-economic development of regions. The objective of this study is to analyze and assess the socio-economic potential of the territory having regard to its individual socio-economic and economic-geographical characteristics. The territory's individual characteristics, in turn, are treated as invariant conditions of its development. The study territory includes regions and federal districts of the Russian Federation.

Models for stochastic mortality

Jan Iwanik (2007)

Applicationes Mathematicae

This paper is an attempt to present and analyse stochastic mortality models. We propose a couple of continuous-time stochastic models that are natural generalizations of the Gompertz law in the sense that they reduce to the Gompertz function when the volatility parameter is zero. We provide a statistical analysis of the available demographic data to show that the models fit historical data well. Finally, we give some practical examples for the multidimensional models.

Multiagent opinion dynamics influenced by individual susceptibility and anchoring effect

Zihan Chen, Yu Xing, Huashu Qin (2019)


This paper studies a new model of social opinion dynamics in multiagent system by counting in two important factors, individual susceptibility and anchoring effect. Different from many existing models only focusing on one factor, this model can exhibit not only agreement phenomena, but also disagreement phenomena such as clustering and fluctuation, during opinion evolution. Then we provide several conditions to show how individual susceptibility and anchoring effect work on steady-state behaviors...

Parameters in collective decision making models : estimation and sensitivity

Tom A. B. Snijders, Evelien P. H. Zeggelink, Frans N. Stokman (1997)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

Simulation models for collective decision making are based on theoretical and empirical insight in the decision making process, but still contain a number of parameters of which the values are determined ad hoc. For the dynamic access model, some of such parameters are discussed, and it is proposed to extend the utility functions with a random term of which the variance also is an unknown parameter. These parameters can be estimated by fitting model predictions to data, where the predictions can...

Pôles, intermédiaires et centres dans un groupe d'opinions

J. Feldman (1973)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

Les opinions dont il s'agit sont des ordres totaux sur un ensemble d'objets. Par rapport à un groupe d'opinions exprimées, on définit les notions d'opinions «pôles», «intermédiaires» et «centres» : ces derniers peuvent servir de choix collectifs et on examine quelques-unes de leurs propriétés ; en particulier, ils appartiennent à l'intervalle convexe engendré par les opinions exprimées, autrement dit, ils conservent les avis unanimes.

Quelques propriétés générales des systèmes sériels de représentation proportionnelle

H. Breny (1986)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

Les systèmes «sériels» de représentation proportionnelle partent d'une table de quotients (des chiffres électoraux par une suite croissante de diviseurs) et attribuent les sièges disponibles aux plus grands de ces quotients. Le système Dhondt, pour lequel le n-ième diviseur vaut n, occupe une place centrale dans l'ensemble des systèmes sériels ; d'une part, il est le seul qui attribue toujours à chaque liste au moins la partie entière de son quotient électoral ; d'autre part, il sert d'étalon «naturel»...

Segmentation in personal networks

Tom A. B. Snijders, Marinus Spreen (1997)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

A concept and several measures for segmentation of personal networks are proposed. It is argued that the implications of segmentation of personal networks are, in a sense, the opposite of those of segmentation of entire networks. The measures are illustrated by the example of the trust network in a civil service departement. For the case where relations in the personal network are observed by a sample rather than completely, estimators for the segmentation measures are given.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 95