Displaying 201 – 220 of 261

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Recobriments i grafs distància-regulars.

Josep Rifà Coma, Jaume Pujol Capdevila (1988)


Uno de los aspectos claves en las telecomunicaciones está relacionado con el uso de los códigos correctores de errores para la transmisión de información. Actualmente se utiliza una clase muy simple de códigos; la implementación física de un código corrector de errores es complicada y costosa. En el campo de la Informática Teórica se intenta abordar el problema de los códigos correctores de errores desde diferentes ángulos. Uno de ellos es el de la Combinatoria Algebraica y, en particular, los grafos...

Recursively differentiable quasigroups and complete recursive codes

Vladimir I. Izbash, Paraskovya N. Syrbu (2004)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Criteria of recursive differentiability of quasigroups are given. Complete recursive codes which attains the Joshibound are constructed using recursively differentiable k -ary quasigroups.

Some maximum multigraphs and edge/vertex distance colourings

Zdzisław Skupień (1995)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Shannon-Vizing-type problems concerning the upper bound for a distance chromatic index of multigraphs G in terms of the maximum degree Δ(G) are studied. Conjectures generalizing those related to the strong chromatic index are presented. The chromatic d-index and chromatic d-number of paths, cycles, trees and some hypercubes are determined. Among hypercubes, however, the exact order of their growth is found.

Some MDS Codes over Gf(64) Connected with the Binary Doubly-Even [72,36,16] Code

Bouyuklieva, Stefka (2007)

Serdica Journal of Computing

* The author is supported by a Return Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.MDS [8,4,5] codes over a field with 64 elements are constructed. All such codes which are self-dual under a Hermitian type inner product are classified. The connection between these codes and a putative binary self- dual [72,36,16] code is considered.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 261