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The search session has expired. Please query the service again.

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Displaying 61 – 80 of 2276

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A Programmatic Note: on two Types of Intertextuality

Reviel Netz (2005)

Revue d'histoire des mathématiques

The note addresses briefly some reactions to a previous article “Deuteronomic Texts: Late Antiquity and the History of Mathematics”. In particular it looks at the question: if indeed any text must depend on previous texts, what makes the dependency of commentary and commentary-like text so special to justify my emphasis on this form of writing ? A suggestion is developed, trying to define Deuteronomic texts through their precise semiotics of intertextuality: in general, it is argued, intertextuality...

A recovery of Brouncker's proof for the quadrature continued fraction.

Sergey Khrushchev (2006)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

350 years ago in Spring of 1655 Sir William Brouncker on a request by John Wallis obtained a beautiful continued fraction for 4/π. Brouncker never published his proof. Many sources on the history of Mathematics claim that this proof was lost forever. In this paper we recover the original proof from Wallis' remarks presented in his Arithmetica Infinitorum. We show that Brouncker's and Wallis' formulas can be extended to MacLaurin's sinusoidal spirals via related Euler's products. We derive Ramanujan's...

A Review of the History of Japanese Mathematics

Tsukane Ogawa (2001)

Revue d'histoire des mathématiques

This review aims to introduce Japanese mathematics to a non-expert and a non-Japanese readership. It briefly characterizes mathematics in Japan, surveys its history, as it developed over the last century, and provides a large (if not exhaustive) bibliography of works in the primary European languages.

A Survey of Counterexamples to Hilbert's Fourteenth Problem

Freudenburg, Gene (2001)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

We survey counterexamples to Hilbert’s Fourteenth Problem, beginning with those of Nagata in the late 1950s, and including recent counterexamples in low dimension constructed with locally nilpotent derivations. Historical framework and pertinent references are provided. We also include 8 important open questions.

A survey on the Szlenk index and some of its applications.

Gilles Lancien (2006)


We describe how the Szlenk index has been used in various areas of the geometry of Banach spaces. We cover the following domains of application of this notion: non existence of universal spaces, linear classification of C(K) spaces, descriptive set theory, renorming problems and non linear classification of Banach spaces.

A tree axiom.

Kurepa, Đuro (1985)

Publications de l'Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série

Abelova cena pro Aviho Wigdersona

Pavel Pudlák (2021)

Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

Abelovu cenu za rok 2021 získali společně László Lovász a Avi Wigderson za zásadní přínos v teoretické informatice a diskrétní matematice. V tomto článku představíme čtenářům Aviho Wigdersona a jeho práci výběrem tří důležitých výsledků z jeho mnoha publikací.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 2276