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α-Properness and Axiom A

Tetsuya Ishiu (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that under ZFC, for every indecomposable ordinal α < ω₁, there exists a poset which is β-proper for every β < α but not α-proper. It is also shown that a poset is forcing equivalent to a poset satisfying Axiom A if and only if it is α-proper for every α < ω₁.

β -structures

Josef Mlček (1986)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Δ -tautologies, uniform and non-uniform upper bounds in computation theory

Daniele Mundici (1983)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Una Δ -tautologia è una tautologia del tipo H K avente un solo interpolante di Craig J , a meno di equivalenza logica. Utilizzando misure di complessità relative al problema di trovare tale J , mostriamo come si possano ottenere limiti non uniformi di complessità mediante limiti uniformi, e viceversa.

Δ₁-Definability of the non-stationary ideal at successor cardinals

Sy-David Friedman, Liuzhen Wu, Lyubomyr Zdomskyy (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Assuming V = L, for every successor cardinal κ we construct a GCH and cardinal preserving forcing poset ℙ ∈ L such that in L the ideal of all non-stationary subsets of κ is Δ₁-definable over H(κ⁺).

ε-partitions and α-equivalences.

Susana Montes, J. Jiménez, Pedro Gil (1998)

Mathware and Soft Computing

The aim of this paper is to study a special type of fuzzy relations, the α-equivalences, as well as to consider the relation that connects these with the family of ε-partitions of the referential. Some classic equivalences between set, partitions and fuzzy relations are also studied.

Σ -Hamiltonian and Σ -regular algebraic structures

Ivan Chajda, Petr Emanovský (1996)

Mathematica Bohemica

The concept of a -closed subset was introduced in [1] for an algebraic structure = ( A , F , R ) of type and a set of open formulas of the first order language L ( ) . The set C ( ) of all -closed subsets of forms a complete lattice whose properties were investigated in [1] and [2]. An algebraic structure is called - hamiltonian, if every non-empty -closed subset of is a class (block) of some congruence on ; is called - regular, if = 𝔽 for every two , 𝔽 whenever they have a congruence class B C ( ) in common....

σ -porosity is separably determined

Marek Cúth, Martin Rmoutil (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We prove a separable reduction theorem for σ -porosity of Suslin sets. In particular, if A is a Suslin subset in a Banach space X , then each separable subspace of X can be enlarged to a separable subspace V such that A is σ -porous in X if and only if A V is σ -porous in V . Such a result is proved for several types of σ -porosity. The proof is done using the method of elementary submodels, hence the results can be combined with other separable reduction theorems. As an application we extend a theorem...

σ-Entangled linear orders and narrowness of products of Boolean algebras

Saharon Shelah (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We investigate σ-entangled linear orders and narrowness of Boolean algebras. We show existence of σ-entangled linear orders in many cardinals, and we build Boolean algebras with neither large chains nor large pies. We study the behavior of these notions in ultraproducts.

σ-ring and σ-algebra of Sets1

Noboru Endou, Kazuhisa Nakasho, Yasunari Shidama (2015)

Formalized Mathematics

In this article, semiring and semialgebra of sets are formalized so as to construct a measure of a given set in the next step. Although a semiring of sets has already been formalized in [13], that is, strictly speaking, a definition of a quasi semiring of sets suggested in the last few decades [15]. We adopt a classical definition of a semiring of sets here to avoid such a confusion. Ring of sets and algebra of sets have been formalized as non empty preboolean set [23] and field of subsets [18],...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 1185