CH and the Sacks property
We show the consistency of CH and the statement “no ccc forcing has the Sacks property” and derive some consequences for ccc -bounding forcing notions.
We show the consistency of CH and the statement “no ccc forcing has the Sacks property” and derive some consequences for ccc -bounding forcing notions.
We present two varations which create maximal models relative to certain counterexamples to Martin’s Axiom, in hope of separating certain classical statements which fall between MA and Suslin’s Hypothesis. One of these models is taken from [19], in which we maximize relative to the existence of a certain type of Suslin tree, and then force with that tree. In the resulting model, all Aronszajn trees are special and Knaster’s forcing axiom ₃ fails. Of particular interest is the still open question...
We give an affirmative answer to problem DJ from Fremlin’s list [8] which asks whether implies that every uncountable Boolean algebra has an uncountable set of pairwise incomparable elements.
The notion of the characteristic of rings and its basic properties are formalized [14], [39], [20]. Classification of prime fields in terms of isomorphisms with appropriate fields (ℚ or ℤ/p) are presented. To facilitate reasonings within the field of rational numbers, values of numerators and denominators of basic operations over rationals are computed.
In the present paper, fuzzy order relations on a real vector space are characterized by fuzzy cones. It is well-known that there is one-to-one correspondence between order relations, that a real vector space with the order relation is an ordered vector space, and pointed convex cones. We show that there is one-to-one correspondence between fuzzy order relations with some properties, which are fuzzification of the order relations, and fuzzy pointed convex cones, which are fuzzification of the pointed...
In this article, we investigate the algebraic structures of the partial orders induced by uninorms on a bounded lattice. For a class of uninorms with the underlying drastic product or drastic sum, we first present some conditions making a bounded lattice also a lattice with respect to the order induced by such uninorms. And then we completely characterize the distributivity of the lattices obtained.