Les propriétés de réduction et de norme pour les classes de Boréliens
Nous présentons dans ce papier une définition purement syntaxique des types entrées et des types sorties du système . Nous définissons les types de données syntaxiques comme étant des types entrées et sorties. Nous démontrons que les types à quantificateurs positifs sont des types de données syntaxiques et qu’un type entrée est un type sortie. Nous imposons des restrictions sur la règle d’élimination des quantificateurs pour démontrer qu’un type sortie est un type entrée.
We give in this paper a purely syntactical definition of input and output types of system . We define the syntactical data types as input and output types. We show that any type with positive quantifiers is a syntactical data type and that an input type is an output type. We give some restrictions on the ∀-elimination rule in order to prove that an output type is an input type.
We answer a question of Darji and Keleti by proving that there exists a compact set C₀ ⊂ ℝ of measure zero such that for every perfect set P ⊂ ℝ there exists x ∈ ℝ such that (C₀+x) ∩ P is uncountable. Using this C₀ we answer a question of Gruenhage by showing that it is consistent with ZFC (as it follows e.g. from ) that less than many translates of a compact set of measure zero can cover ℝ.
In his paper [Kybernetika 31, No. 1, 99–106 (1995; Zbl 0857.03042)], E. Turunen says in the corollary on p. 106: “Notice that the third last line on page 195 in [J. K. Mattila, “Modifier logic”, in: J. Kacprzyk (ed.) et al., Fuzzy logic for the management of uncertainty. New York: Wiley. 191–209 (1992)] stating that LPC+Ch calculus is consistent is not correct.” The system LPC+Ch is consistent, which can be seen quite trivially.
We construct two models for the level by level equivalence between strong compactness and supercompactness in which if κ is λ supercompact and λ ≥ κ is regular, we are able to determine exactly the number of normal measures carries. In the first of these models, carries many normal measures, the maximal number. In the second of these models, carries many normal measures, except if κ is a measurable cardinal which is not a limit of measurable cardinals. In this case, κ (and hence also )...
We construct three models containing exactly one supercompact cardinal in which level by level inequivalence between strong compactness and supercompactness holds. In the first two models, below the supercompact cardinal κ, there is a non-supercompact strongly compact cardinal. In the last model, any suitably defined ground model Easton function is realized.
We introduce the notion of leveled structure and show that every structure elementarily equivalent to the real expo field expanded by all restricted analytic functions is leveled.
Let denote the set of log canonical thresholds of pairs , with a nonsingular variety of dimension , and a nonempty closed subscheme of . Using non-standard methods, we show that every limit of a decreasing sequence in lies in , proving in this setting a conjecture of Kollár. We also show that is closed in ; in particular, every limit of log canonical thresholds on smooth varieties of fixed dimension is a rational number. As a consequence of this property, we see that in order to check...
We describe finitely generated groups universally equivalent (with constants from in the language) to a given torsion-free relatively hyperbolic group with free abelian parabolics. It turns out that, as in the free group case, the group embeds into the Lyndon’s completion of the group , or, equivalently, embeds into a group obtained from by finitely many extensions of centralizers. Conversely, every subgroup of containing is universally equivalent to . Since finitely generated...