Displaying 81 – 100 of 389

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Sigma-idéaux polaires et ensembles d'unicité dans les groupes abéliens localement compacts

Étienne Matheron (1996)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On étend au cadre des groupes abéliens localement compacts certains résultats obtenus notamment par G. Debs, R. Kaufman, A. Kechris, A. Louveau et J. Saint Raymond sur la structure des fermés d’unicité et d’unicité au sens large du cercle unité. On montre également que de très nombreuses familles de compacts issues de l’Analyse Harmonique sont exactement de troisième classe dans la hiérarchie de Baire. Comme application, on donne une démonstration simple de l’existence d’ensembles de Dirichlet qui...

Signed bits and fast exponentiation

Wieb Bosma (2001)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

An exact analysis is given of the benefits of using the non-adjacent form representation for integers (rather than the binary representation), when computing powers of elements in a group in which inverting is easy. By counting the number of multiplications for a random exponent requiring a given number of bits in its binary representation, we arrive at a precise version of the known asymptotic result that on average one in three signed bits in the non-adjacent form is non-zero. This shows that...

Similarity in fuzzy reasoning.

Frank Klawonn, Juan Luis Castro (1995)

Mathware and Soft Computing

Fuzzy set theory is based on a `fuzzification' of the predicate in (element of), the concept of membership degrees is considered as fundamental. In this paper we elucidate the connection between indistinguishability modelled by fuzzy equivalence relations and fuzzy sets. We show that the indistinguishability inherent to fuzzy sets can be computed and that this indistinguishability cannot be overcome in approximate reasoning. For our investigations we generalize from the unit interval as the basis...

Simple games in Łukasiewicz calculus and their cores

Petr Cintula, Tomáš Kroupa (2013)


We propose a generalization of simple coalition games in the context of games with fuzzy coalitions. Mimicking the correspondence of simple games with non-constant monotone formulas of classical logic, we introduce simple Łukasiewicz games using monotone formulas of Łukasiewicz logic, one of the most prominent fuzzy logics. We study the core solution on the class of simple Łukasiewicz games and show that cores of such games are determined by finitely-many linear constraints only. The non-emptiness...

Simple motions

Athanossios Tzouvaras (1989)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

S-implications and R -implications on a finite chain

Margarita Mas, Miquel Monserrat, Joan Torrens (2004)


This paper is devoted to the study of two kinds of implications on a finite chain L : S -implications and R -implications. A characterization of each kind of these operators is given and a lot of different implications on L are obtained, not only from smooth t-norms but also from non smooth ones. Some additional properties on these implications are studied specially in the smooth case. Finally, a class of non smooth t-norms including the nilpotent minimum is characterized. Any t-norm in this class...

Singular cardinals and strong extenders

Arthur Apter, James Cummings, Joel Hamkins (2013)

Open Mathematics

We investigate the circumstances under which there exist a singular cardinal µ and a short (κ,µ)-extender E witnessing “κ is µ-strong”, such that µ is singular in Ult(V, E).

Singular Failures of GCH and Level by Level Equivalence

Arthur W. Apter (2014)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We construct a model for the level by level equivalence between strong compactness and supercompactness in which below the least supercompact cardinal κ, there is an unbounded set of singular cardinals which witness the only failures of GCH in the universe. In this model, the structure of the class of supercompact cardinals can be arbitrary.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 389