Displaying 101 – 120 of 176

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Prime Factorization of Sums and Differences of Two Like Powers

Rafał Ziobro (2016)

Formalized Mathematics

Representation of a non zero integer as a signed product of primes is unique similarly to its representations in various types of positional notations [4], [3]. The study focuses on counting the prime factors of integers in the form of sums or differences of two equal powers (thus being represented by 1 and a series of zeroes in respective digital bases). Although the introduced theorems are not particularly important, they provide a couple of shortcuts useful for integer factorization, which could...

Prime Filters and Ideals in Distributive Lattices

Adam Grabowski (2013)

Formalized Mathematics

The article continues the formalization of the lattice theory (as structures with two binary operations, not in terms of ordering relations). In the Mizar Mathematical Library, there are some attempts to formalize prime ideals and filters; one series of articles written as decoding [9] proven some results; we tried however to follow [21], [12], and [13]. All three were devoted to the Stone representation theorem [18] for Boolean or Heyting lattices. The main aim of the present article was to bridge...

Prime ideal theorem for double Boolean algebras

Léonard Kwuida (2007)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

Double Boolean algebras are algebras (D,⊓,⊔,⊲,⊳,⊥,⊤) of type (2,2,1,1,0,0). They have been introduced to capture the equational theory of the algebra of protoconcepts. A filter (resp. an ideal) of a double Boolean algebra D is an upper set F (resp. down set I) closed under ⊓ (resp. ⊔). A filter F is called primary if F ≠ ∅ and for all x ∈ D we have x ∈ F or x F . In this note we prove that if F is a filter and I an ideal such that F ∩ I = ∅ then there is a primary filter G containing F such that G...

Prime Ideal Theorems and systems of finite character

Marcel Erné (1997)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study several choice principles for systems of finite character and prove their equivalence to the Prime Ideal Theorem in ZF set theory without Axiom of Choice, among them the Intersection Lemma (stating that if S is a system of finite character then so is the system of all collections of finite subsets of S meeting a common member of S ), the Finite Cutset Lemma (a finitary version of the Teichm“uller-Tukey Lemma), and various compactness theorems. Several implications between these statements...

Probabilistic operational semantics for the lambda calculus

Ugo Dal Lago, Margherita Zorzi (2012)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Probabilistic operational semantics for a nondeterministic extension of pure λ-calculus is studied. In this semantics, a term evaluates to a (finite or infinite) distribution of values. Small-step and big-step semantics, inductively and coinductively defined, are given. Moreover, small-step and big-step semantics are shown to produce identical outcomes, both in call-by-value and in call-by-name. Plotkin’s CPS translation is extended to accommodate the choice operator and shown correct with respect...

Probabilistic operational semantics for the lambda calculus

Ugo Dal Lago, Margherita Zorzi (2012)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Probabilistic operational semantics for a nondeterministic extension of pure λ-calculus is studied. In this semantics, a term evaluates to a (finite or infinite) distribution of values. Small-step and big-step semantics, inductively and coinductively defined, are given. Moreover, small-step and big-step semantics are shown to produce identical outcomes, both in call-by-value and in call-by-name. Plotkin’s CPS translation is extended to accommodate the choice operator and shown correct with respect...

Probabilistic operational semantics for the lambda calculus

Ugo Dal Lago, Margherita Zorzi (2012)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Probabilistic operational semantics for a nondeterministic extension of pure λ-calculus is studied. In this semantics, a term evaluates to a (finite or infinite) distribution of values. Small-step and big-step semantics, inductively and coinductively defined, are given. Moreover, small-step and big-step semantics are shown to produce identical outcomes, both in call-by-value and in call-by-name. Plotkin’s CPS translation is extended to accommodate the choice operator and shown correct with respect...

Probabilistic propositional calculus with doubled nonstandard semantics

Ivan Kramosil (1999)


The classical propositional language is evaluated in such a way that truthvalues are subsets of the set of all positive integers. Such an evaluation is projected in two different ways into the unit interval of real numbers so that two real-valued evaluations are obtained. The set of tautologies is proved to be identical, in all the three cases, with the set of classical propositional tautologies, but the induced evaluations meet some natural properties of probability measures with respect to nonstandard...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 176