Displaying 141 – 160 of 338

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More remarks on the intersection ideal 𝒩

Tomasz Weiss (2018)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove in ZFC that every 𝒩 additive set is 𝒩 additive, thus we solve Problem 20 from paper [Weiss T., A note on the intersection ideal 𝒩 , Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 54 (2013), no. 3, 437-445] in the negative.

More set-theory around the weak Freese–Nation property

Sakaé Fuchino, Lajos Soukup (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We introduce a very weak version of the square principle which may hold even under failure of the generalized continuum hypothesis. Under this weak square principle, we give a new characterization (Theorem 10) of partial orderings with κ-Freese-Nation property (see below for the definition). The characterization is not a ZFC theorem: assuming Chang’s Conjecture for ω , we can find a counter-example to the characterization (Theorem 12). We then show that, in the model obtained by adding Cohen reals,...

Multiple gaps

Antonio Avilés, Stevo Todorcevic (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study a higher-dimensional version of the standard notion of a gap formed by a finite sequence of ideals of the quotient algebra 𝓟(ω)/fin. We examine different types of such objects found in 𝓟(ω)/fin both from the combinatorial and the descriptive set-theoretic side.

Negative universality results for graphs

S.-D. Friedman, K. Thompson (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is shown that in many forcing models there is no universal graph at the successors of regular cardinals. The proof, which is similar to the well-known proof for Cohen forcing, is extended to show that it is consistent to have no universal graph at the successor of a singular cardinal, and in particular at ω + 1 . Previously, little was known about universality at the successors of singulars. Analogous results show it is consistent not just that there is no single graph which embeds the rest, but that...

Nonreflecting stationary subsets of P κ λ

Yoshihiro Abe (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We explore the possibility of forcing nonreflecting stationary sets of P κ λ . We also present a P κ λ generalization of Kanamori’s weakly normal filters, which induces stationary reflection.

OCA and towers in 𝒫 ( ) / f i n

Ilijas Farah (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We shall show that Open Coloring Axiom has different influence on the algebra 𝒫 ( ) / f i n than on / f i n . The tool used to accomplish this is forcing with a Suslin tree.

On a problem of Steve Kalikow

Saharon Shelah (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The Kalikow problem for a pair (λ,κ) of cardinal numbers,λ > κ (in particular κ = 2) is whether we can map the family of ω-sequences from λ to the family of ω-sequences from κ in a very continuous manner. Namely, we demand that for η,ν ∈ ω we have: η, ν are almost equal if and only if their images are. We show consistency of the negative answer, e.g., for ω but we prove it for smaller cardinals. We indicate a close connection with the free subset property and its variants.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 338