Displaying 161 – 180 of 338

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On absolutely divergent series

Sakaé Fuchino, Heike Mildenberger, Saharon Shelah, Peter Vojtáš (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that in the 2 -stage countable support iteration of Mathias forcing over a model of CH the complete Boolean algebra generated by absolutely divergent series under eventual dominance is not isomorphic to the completion of P(ω)/fin. This complements Vojtáš’ result that under c f ( ) = the two algebras are isomorphic [15].

On automorphisms of Boolean algebras embedded in P (ω)/fin

Magdalena Grzech (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that, under CH, for each Boolean algebra A of cardinality at most the continuum there is an embedding of A into P(ω)/fin such that each automorphism of A can be extended to an automorphism of P(ω)/fin. We also describe a model of ZFC + MA(σ-linked) in which the continuum is arbitrarily large and the above assertion holds true.

On CCC boolean algebras and partial orders

András Hajnal, István Juhász, Zoltán Szentmiklóssy (1997)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We partially strengthen a result of Shelah from [Sh] by proving that if κ = κ ω and P is a CCC partial order with e.g. | P | κ + ω (the ω th successor of κ ) and | P | 2 κ then P is κ -linked.

On FU( p )-spaces and p -sequential spaces

Salvador García-Ferreira (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Following Kombarov we say that X is p -sequential, for p α * , if for every non-closed subset A of X there is f α X such that f ( α ) A and f ¯ ( p ) X A . This suggests the following definition due to Comfort and Savchenko, independently: X is a FU( p )-space if for every A X and every x A - there is a function f α A such that f ¯ ( p ) = x . It is not hard to see that p RK q ( RK denotes the Rudin–Keisler order) every p -sequential space is q -sequential every FU( p )-space is a FU( q )-space. We generalize the spaces S n to construct examples of p -sequential...

On infinite partitions of lines and space

Paul Erdös, Steve Jackson, R. Mauldin (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Given a partition P:L → ω of the lines in n , n ≥ 2, into countably many pieces, we ask if it is possible to find a partition of the points, Q : n ω , so that each line meets at most m points of its color. Assuming Martin’s Axiom, we show this is the case for m ≥ 3. We reduce the problem for m = 2 to a purely finitary geometry problem. Although we have established a very similar, but somewhat simpler, version of the geometry conjecture, we leave the general problem open. We consider also various generalizations...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 338