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Stationary reflection and the universal Baire property

Stuart Zoble (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that ω₁-Universally Baire self-justifying systems are fully Universally Baire under the Weak Stationary Reflection Principle for Pairs. This involves analyzing the notion of a weakly captured set of reals, a weakening of the Universal Baire Property.

Strong Fubini properties for measure and category

Krzysztof Ciesielski, Miklós Laczkovich (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let (FP) abbreviate the statement that 0 1 ( 0 1 f d y ) d x = 0 1 ( 0 1 f d x ) d y holds for every bounded function f: [0,1]² → ℝ whenever each of the integrals involved exists. We shall denote by (SFP) the statement that the equality above holds for every bounded function f: [0,1]² → ℝ having measurable vertical and horizontal sections. It follows from well-known results that both of (FP) and (SFP) are independent of the axioms of ZFC. We investigate the logical connections of these statements with several other strong Fubini type properties...

Strong Fubini properties of ideals

Ireneusz Recław, Piotr Zakrzewski (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

 Let I and J be σ-ideals on Polish spaces X and Y, respectively. We say that the pair ⟨I,J⟩ has the Strong Fubini Property (SFP) if for every set D ⊆ X× Y with measurable sections, if all its sections D x = y : x , y D are in J, then the sections D y = x : x , y D are in I for every y outside a set from J (“measurable" means being a member of the σ-algebra of Borel sets modulo sets from the respective σ-ideal). We study the question of which pairs of σ-ideals have the Strong Fubini Property. Since CH excludes this phenomenon completely,...

Strong meager properties for filters

Claude Laflamme (1995)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We analyze several “strong meager” properties for filters on the natural numbers between the classical Baire property and a filter being F σ . Two such properties have been studied by Talagrand and a few more combinatorial ones are investigated. In particular, we define the notion of a P⁺-filter, a generalization of the traditional concept of P-filter, and prove the existence of a non-meager P⁺-filter. Our motivation lies in understanding the structure of filters generated by complements of members...

Strongly meager sets and subsets of the plane

Janusz Pawlikowski (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let X 2 w . Consider the class of all Borel F X × 2 w with null vertical sections F x , x ∈ X. We show that if for all such F and all null Z ⊆ X, x Z F x is null, then for all such F, x X F x 2 w . The theorem generalizes the fact that every Sierpiński set is strongly meager and was announced in [P].

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