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On rigid relation principles in set theory without the axiom of choice

Paul Howard, Eleftherios Tachtsis (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study the deductive strength of the following statements: 𝖱𝖱: every set has a rigid binary relation, 𝖧𝖱𝖱: every set has a hereditarily rigid binary relation, 𝖲𝖱𝖱: every set has a strongly rigid binary relation, in set theory without the Axiom of Choice. 𝖱𝖱 was recently formulated by J. D. Hamkins and J. Palumbo, and 𝖲𝖱𝖱 is a classical (non-trivial) 𝖹𝖥𝖢-result by P. Vopěnka, A. Pultr and Z. Hedrlín.

On some properties of Hamel bases and their applications to Marczewski measurable functions

François Dorais, Rafał Filipów, Tomasz Natkaniec (2013)

Open Mathematics

We introduce new properties of Hamel bases. We show that it is consistent with ZFC that such Hamel bases exist. Under the assumption that there exists a Hamel basis with one of these properties we construct a discontinuous and additive function that is Marczewski measurable. Moreover, we show that such a function can additionally have the intermediate value property (and even be an extendable function). Finally, we examine sums and limits of such functions.

On special partitions of Dedekind- and Russell-sets

Horst Herrlich, Paul Howard, Eleftherios Tachtsis (2012)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A Russell set is a set which can be written as the union of a countable pairwise disjoint set of pairs no infinite subset of which has a choice function and a Russell cardinal is the cardinal number of a Russell set. We show that if a Russell cardinal a has a ternary partition (see Section 1, Definition 2) then the Russell cardinal a + 2 fails to have such a partition. In fact, we prove that if a ZF-model contains a Russell set, then it contains Russell sets with ternary partitions as well as Russell...

On splitting infinite-fold covers

Márton Elekes, Tamás Mátrai, Lajos Soukup (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let X be a set, κ be a cardinal number and let ℋ be a family of subsets of X which covers each x ∈ X at least κ-fold. What assumptions can ensure that ℋ can be decomposed into κ many disjoint subcovers? We examine this problem under various assumptions on the set X and on the cover ℋ: among other situations, we consider covers of topological spaces by closed sets, interval covers of linearly ordered sets and covers of ℝⁿ by polyhedra and by arbitrary convex sets. We focus on...

On the difference property of Borel measurable functions

Hiroshi Fujita, Tamás Mátrai (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

If an atomlessly measurable cardinal exists, then the class of Lebesgue measurable functions, the class of Borel functions, and the Baire classes of all orders have the difference property. This gives a consistent positive answer to Laczkovich's Problem 2 [Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 35 (1980)]. We also give a complete positive answer to Laczkovich's Problem 3 concerning Borel functions with Baire-α differences.

On the existence of a σ -closed dense subset

Jindřich Zapletal (2010)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

It is consistent with the axioms of set theory that there are two co-dense partial orders, one of them σ -closed and the other one without a σ -closed dense subset.

On the Existence of Free Ultrafilters on ω and on Russell-sets in ZF

Eleftherios Tachtsis (2015)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

In ZF (i.e. Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory without the Axiom of Choice AC), we investigate the relationship between UF(ω) (there exists a free ultrafilter on ω) and the statements "there exists a free ultrafilter on every Russell-set" and "there exists a Russell-set A and a free ultrafilter ℱ on A". We establish the following results: 1. UF(ω) implies that there exists a free ultrafilter on every Russell-set. The implication is not reversible in ZF. 2. The statement...

On the ideal (v 0)

Piotr Kalemba, Szymon Plewik, Anna Wojciechowska (2008)

Open Mathematics

The σ-ideal (v 0) is associated with the Silver forcing, see [5]. Also, it constitutes the family of all completely doughnut null sets, see [9]. We introduce segment topologies to state some resemblances of (v 0) to the family of Ramsey null sets. To describe add(v 0) we adopt a proof of Base Matrix Lemma. Consistent results are stated, too. Halbeisen’s conjecture cov(v 0) = add(v 0) is confirmed under the hypothesis t = min{cf(c), r}. The hypothesis cov(v 0) = ω 1 implies that (v 0) has the ideal...

On the Leibniz-Mycielski axiom in set theory

Ali Enayat (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Motivated by Leibniz’s thesis on the identity of indiscernibles, Mycielski introduced a set-theoretic axiom, here dubbed the Leibniz-Mycielski axiom LM, which asserts that for each pair of distinct sets x and y there exists an ordinal α exceeding the ranks of x and y, and a formula φ(v), such that ( V α , ) satisfies φ(x) ∧¬ φ(y). We examine the relationship between LM and some other axioms of set theory. Our principal results are as follows: 1. In the presence of ZF, the following are equivalent: (a) LM. (b)...

On the nontrivial solvability of systems of homogeneous linear equations over in ZFC

Jan Šaroch (2020)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Motivated by the paper by H. Herrlich, E. Tachtsis (2017) we investigate in ZFC the following compactness question: for which uncountable cardinals κ , an arbitrary nonempty system S of homogeneous -linear equations is nontrivially solvable in provided that each of its subsystems of cardinality less than κ is nontrivially solvable in ?

On the open-open game

Peg Daniels, Kenneth Kunen, Haoxuan Zhou (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We modify a game due to Berner and Juhász to get what we call “the open-open game (of length ω)”: a round consists of player I choosing a nonempty open subset of a space X and II choosing a nonempty open subset of I’s choice; I wins if the union of II’s open sets is dense in X, otherwise II wins. This game is of interest for ccc spaces. It can be translated into a game on partial orders (trees and Boolean algebras, for example). We present basic results and various conditions under which I or II...

On the set-theoretic strength of the n-compactness of generalized Cantor cubes

Paul Howard, Eleftherios Tachtsis (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We investigate, in set theory without the Axiom of Choice , the set-theoretic strength of the statement Q(n): For every infinite set X, the Tychonoff product 2 X , where 2 = 0,1 has the discrete topology, is n-compact, where n = 2,3,4,5 (definitions are given in Section 1). We establish the following results: (1) For n = 3,4,5, Q(n) is, in (Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory minus ), equivalent to the Boolean Prime Ideal Theorem , whereas (2) Q(2) is strictly weaker than in set theory (Zermelo-Fraenkel set...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 71