Displaying 181 – 200 of 655

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On fields and ideals connected with notions of forcing

W. Kułaga (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We investigate an algebraic notion of decidability which allows a uniform investigation of a large class of notions of forcing. Among other things, we show how to build σ-fields of sets connected with Laver and Miller notions of forcing and we show that these σ-fields are closed under the Suslin operation.

On finitely generated multiplication modules

R. Nekooei (2005)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We shall prove that if M is a finitely generated multiplication module and A n n ( M ) is a finitely generated ideal of R , then there exists a distributive lattice M ¯ such that S p e c ( M ) with Zariski topology is homeomorphic to S p e c ( M ¯ ) to Stone topology. Finally we shall give a characterization of finitely generated multiplication R -modules M such that A n n ( M ) is a finitely generated ideal of R .

On free M V -algebras

Ján Jakubík (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In the present paper we show that free M V -algebras can be constructed by applying free abelian lattice ordered groups.

On fuzzification of the notion of quantaloid

Sergey A. Solovyov (2010)


The paper considers a fuzzification of the notion of quantaloid of K. I. Rosenthal, which replaces enrichment in the category of -semilattices with that in the category of modules over a given unital commutative quantale. The resulting structures are called quantale algebroids. We show that their constitute a monadic category and prove a representation theorem for them using the notion of nucleus adjusted for our needs. We also characterize the lattice of nuclei on a free quantale algebroid. At...

On fuzzy B -algebras

Young Bae Jun, Eun Hwan Roh, Hee Sik Kim (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The fuzzification of (normal) B -subalgebras is considered, and some related properties are investigated. A characterization of a fuzzy B -algebra is given.

On fuzzy ideals of pseudo MV-algebras

Grzegorz Dymek (2008)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

Fuzzy ideals of pseudo MV-algebras are investigated. The homomorphic properties of fuzzy prime ideals are given. A one-to-one correspondence between the set of maximal ideals and the set of fuzzy maximal ideals μ satisfying μ(0) = 1 and μ(1) = 0 is obtained.

On fuzzy topological subalgebras of BCC-algebras

Wiesław A. Dudek, Young Bae, Sung Min Hong (2000)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

We describe properties of subalgebras and BCC-ideals in BCC-algebras with a topology induced by a family of fuzzy sets.

On generalized derivations of partially ordered sets

Ahmed Y. Abdelwanis, Abdelkarim Boua (2019)

Communications in Mathematics

Let P be a poset and d be a derivation on P . In this research, the notion of generalized d -derivation on partially ordered sets is presented and studied. Several characterization theorems on generalized d -derivations are introduced. The properties of the fixed points based on the generalized d -derivations are examined. The properties of ideals and operations related with generalized d -derivations are studied.

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 655