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𝒵 -distributive function lattices

Marcel Erné (2013)

Mathematica Bohemica

It is known that for a nonempty topological space X and a nonsingleton complete lattice Y endowed with the Scott topology, the partially ordered set [ X , Y ] of all continuous functions from X into Y is a continuous lattice if and only if both Y and the open set lattice 𝒪 X are continuous lattices. This result extends to certain classes of 𝒵 -distributive lattices, where 𝒵 is a subset system replacing the system 𝒟 of all directed subsets (for which the 𝒟 -distributive complete lattices are just the continuous...

0-distributive posets

Khalid A. Mokbel, Vilas S. Kharat (2013)

Mathematica Bohemica

Several characterizations of 0-distributive posets are obtained by using the prime ideals as well as the semiprime ideals. It is also proved that if every proper l -filter of a poset is contained in a proper semiprime filter, then it is 0 -distributive. Further, the concept of a semiatom in 0-distributive posets is introduced and characterized in terms of dual atoms and also in terms of maximal annihilator. Moreover, semiatomic 0-distributive posets are defined and characterized. It is shown that...

A Cantor-Bernstein theorem for σ -complete MV-algebras

Anna de Simone, Daniele Mundici, Mirko Navara (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The Cantor-Bernstein theorem was extended to σ -complete boolean algebras by Sikorski and Tarski. Chang’s MV-algebras are a nontrivial generalization of boolean algebras: they stand to the infinite-valued calculus of Łukasiewicz as boolean algebras stand to the classical two-valued calculus. In this paper we further generalize the Cantor-Bernstein theorem to σ -complete MV-algebras, and compare it to a related result proved by Jakubík for certain complete MV-algebras.

A categorical account of the localic closed subgroup theorem

Christopher Townsend (2007)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Given an axiomatic account of the category of locales the closed subgroup theorem is proved. The theorem is seen as a consequence of a categorical account of the Hofmann-Mislove theorem. The categorical account has an order dual providing a new result for locale theory: every compact subgroup is necessarily fitted.

A categorical view at generalized concept lattices

Stanislav Krajči (2007)


We continue in the direction of the ideas from the Zhang’s paper [Z] about a relationship between Chu spaces and Formal Concept Analysis. We modify this categorical point of view at a classical concept lattice to a generalized concept lattice (in the sense of Krajči [K1]): We define generalized Chu spaces and show that they together with (a special type of) their morphisms form a category. Moreover we define corresponding modifications of the image / inverse image operator and show their commutativity...

A characterization of commutative basic algebras

Ivan Chajda (2009)

Mathematica Bohemica

A basic algebra is an algebra of the same type as an MV-algebra and it is in a one-to-one correspondence to a bounded lattice having antitone involutions on its principal filters. We present a simple criterion for checking whether a basic algebra is commutative or even an MV-algebra.

A constructive proof that every 3-generated l-group is ultrasimplicial

Daniele Mundici, Giovanni Panti (1999)

Banach Center Publications

We discuss the ultrasimplicial property of lattice-ordered abelian groups and their associated MV-algebras. We give a constructive proof of the fact that every lattice-ordered abelian group generated by three elements is ultrasimplicial.

A decomposition of homomorphic images of nearlattices

Ivan Chajda, Miroslav Kolařík (2006)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

By a nearlattice is meant a join-semilattice where every principal filter is a lattice with respect to the induced order. The aim of our paper is to show for which nearlattice 𝒮 and its element c the mapping ϕ c ( x ) = x c , x p c is a (surjective, injective) homomorphism of 𝒮 into [ c ) × ( c ] .

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