Displaying 221 – 240 of 304

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Tolerances on poset algebras

Bohdan Zelinka (1992)

Mathematica Bohemica

To everz partiallz ordered set a certain groupoid is assigned. A tolerance on it is defined similarlz as a congruence, onlz the requirement of transitivitz is omitted. Some theorems concerning these tolerances are proved.

Topological automorphism groups of chains.

Sergei V. Ovchinnikov (2001)

Mathware and Soft Computing

It is shown that any set-open topology on the automorphism group A(X) of a chain X coincides with the pointwise topology and that A(X) is a topological group with respect to this topology. Topological properties of connectedness and compactness in A(X) are investigated. In particular, it is shown that the automorphism group of a doubly homogeneous chain is generated by any neighborhood of the identity element.

Topological characterizations of ordered groups with quasi-divisor theory

Jiří Močkoř (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For an order embedding G h Γ of a partly ordered group G into an l -group Γ a topology 𝒯 W ^ is introduced on Γ which is defined by a family of valuations W on G . Some density properties of sets h ( G ) , h ( X t ) and ( h ( X t ) { h ( g 1 ) , , h ( g n ) } ) ( X t being t -ideals in G ) in the topological space ( Γ , 𝒯 W ^ ) are then investigated, each of them being equivalent to the statement that h is a strong theory of quasi-divisors.

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 304