Displaying 41 – 60 of 154

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Determining c₀ in C(𝒦) spaces

S. A. Argyros, V. Kanellopoulos (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For a countable compact metric space and a seminormalized weakly null sequence (fₙ)ₙ in C() we provide some upper bounds for the norm of the vectors in the linear span of a subsequence of (fₙ)ₙ. These bounds depend on the complexity of and also on the sequence (fₙ)ₙ itself. Moreover, we introduce the class of c₀-hierarchies. We prove that for every α < ω₁, every normalized weakly null sequence (fₙ)ₙ in C ( ω ω α ) and every c₀-hierarchy generated by (fₙ)ₙ, there exists β ≤ α such that a sequence of β-blocks...

Diamond identities for relative congruences

Gábor Czédli (1995)

Archivum Mathematicum

For a class K of structures and A K let C o n * ( A ) resp. C o n K ( A ) denote the lattices of * -congruences resp. K -congruences of A , cf. Weaver [25]. Let C o n * ( K ) : = I { C o n * ( A ) : A K } where I is the operator of forming isomorphic copies, and C o n r ( K ) : = I { C o n K ( A ) : A K } . For an ordered algebra A the lattice of order congruences of A is denoted by C o n < ( A ) , and let C o n < ( K ) : = I { C o n < ( A ) : A K } if K is a class of ordered algebras. The operators of forming subdirect squares and direct products are denoted by Q s and P , respectively. Let λ be a lattice identity and let Σ be a set of lattice identities. Let Σ c λ ( r ; Q s , P ) denote...

Didactical note: probabilistic conditionality in a Boolean algebra.

Enric Trillas, Claudi Alsina, Settimo Termini (1996)

Mathware and Soft Computing

This note deals with two logical topics and concerns Boolean Algebras from an elementary point of view. First we consider the class of operations on a Boolean Algebra that can be used for modelling If-then propositions. These operations, or Conditionals, are characterized under the hypothesis that they only obey to the Modus Ponens-Inequality, and it is shown that only six of them are boolean two-place functions. Is the Conditional Probability the Probability of a Conditional? This problem will...

Dimension in algebraic frames

Jorge Martinez (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In an algebraic frame L the dimension, dim ( L ) , is defined, as in classical ideal theory, to be the maximum of the lengths n of chains of primes p 0 < p 1 < < p n , if such a maximum exists, and otherwise. A notion of “dominance” is then defined among the compact elements of L , which affords one a primefree way to compute dimension. Various subordinate dimensions are considered on a number of frame quotients of L , including the frames d L and z L of d -elements and z -elements, respectively. The more concrete illustrations...

Dimension in algebraic frames, II: Applications to frames of ideals in C ( X )

Jorge Martinez, Eric R. Zenk (2005)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

This paper continues the investigation into Krull-style dimensions in algebraic frames. Let L be an algebraic frame. dim ( L ) is the supremum of the lengths k of sequences p 0 < p 1 < < p k of (proper) prime elements of L . Recently, Th. Coquand, H. Lombardi and M.-F. Roy have formulated a characterization which describes the dimension of L in terms of the dimensions of certain boundary quotients of L . This paper gives a purely frame-theoretic proof of this result, at once generalizing it to frames which are not necessarily...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 154