Displaying 21 – 40 of 154

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Definizione dei clan binari e loro classificazione

Mario Servi (1998)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

L’albero binario (libero) è una struttura analoga a quella dei numeri naturali (standard), salvo che ci sono due operazioni di successivo. Nello studio degli alberi binari non standard, si ha bisogno di strutture ordinate che stiano a quella di albero binario libero come la struttura (ordinata) Z sta ad N. Si introducono perciò i clan binari e se ne studiano le classi di isomorfismo. Si dimostra che esse sono determinate dalle classi di similitudine delle successioni numerabili di 2 elementi, avendo...

Degeneration of Schubert varieties of S L n / B to toric varieties

Raika Dehy, Rupert W.T. Yu (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Using the polytopes defined in an earlier paper, we show in this paper the existence of degeneration of a large class of Schubert varieties of S L n to toric varieties by extending the method used by Gonciulea and Lakshmibai for a miniscule G / P to Schubert varieties in S L n .

Degrees of compatible L -subsets and compatible mappings

Fu Gui Shi, Yan Sun (2024)


Based on a completely distributive lattice L , degrees of compatible L -subsets and compatible mappings are introduced in an L -approximation space and their characterizations are given by four kinds of cut sets of L -subsets and L -equivalences, respectively. Besides, some characterizations of compatible mappings and compatible degrees of mappings are given by compatible L -subsets and compatible degrees of L -subsets. Finally, the notion of complete L -sublattices is introduced and it is shown that the...

Denotational aspects of untyped normalization by evaluation

Andrzej Filinski, Henning Korsholm Rohde (2005)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We show that the standard normalization-by-evaluation construction for the simply-typed λ β η -calculus has a natural counterpart for the untyped λ β -calculus, with the central type-indexed logical relation replaced by a “recursively defined” invariant relation, in the style of Pitts. In fact, the construction can be seen as generalizing a computational-adequacy argument for an untyped, call-by-name language to normalization instead of evaluation.In the untyped setting, not all terms have normal forms,...

Denotational aspects of untyped normalization by evaluation

Andrzej Filinski, Henning Korsholm Rohde (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We show that the standard normalization-by-evaluation construction for the simply-typed λβη-calculus has a natural counterpart for the untyped λβ-calculus, with the central type-indexed logical relation replaced by a “recursively defined” invariant relation, in the style of Pitts. In fact, the construction can be seen as generalizing a computational-adequacy argument for an untyped, call-by-name language to normalization instead of evaluation.In the untyped setting, not all terms have normal...

Dense pairs of o-minimal structures

Lou van den Dries (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The structure of definable sets and maps in dense elementary pairs of o-minimal expansions of ordered abelian groups is described. It turns out that a certain notion of "small definable set" plays a special role in this description.

Dense subsets of ordered sets

Vítězslav Novák, Lidmila Vránová (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica

Some modifications of the definition of density of subsets in ordered (= partially ordered) sets are given and the corresponding concepts are compared.

Derivations and Translations on Trellises

Shashirekha B. Rai, S. Parameshwara Bhatta (2015)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

G. Szász, J. Szendrei, K. Iseki and J. Nieminen have made an extensive study of derivations and translations on lattices. In this paper, the concepts of meet-translations and derivations have been studied in trellises (also called weakly associative lattices or WA-lattices) and several results in lattices are extended to trellises. The main theorem of this paper, namely, that every derivatrion of a trellis is a meet-translation, is proved without using associativity and it generalizes a well-known...

Descriptions of state spaces of orthomodular lattices (the hypergraph approach)

Mirko Navara (1992)

Mathematica Bohemica

Using the general hypergraph technique developed in [7], we first give a much simpler proof of Shultz's theorem [10]: Each compact convex set is affinely homeomorphic to the state space of an orthomodular lattice. We also present partial solutions to open questions formulated in [10] - we show that not every compact convex set has to be a state space of a unital orthomodular lattice and that for unital orthomodular lattices the state space characterization can be obtained in the context of unital...

Determinant of Some Matrices of Field Elements

Yatsuka Nakamura (2006)

Formalized Mathematics

Here, we present determinants of some square matrices of field elements. First, the determinat of 2 * 2 matrix is shown. Secondly, the determinants of zero matrix and unit matrix are shown, which are equal to 0 in the field and 1 in the field respectively. Thirdly, the determinant of diagonal matrix is shown, which is a product of all diagonal elements of the matrix. At the end, we prove that the determinant of a matrix is the same as the determinant of its transpose.

Determinants of matrices associated with incidence functions on posets

Shaofang Hong, Qi Sun (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let S = { x 1 , , x n } be a finite subset of a partially ordered set P . Let f be an incidence function of P . Let [ f ( x i x j ) ] denote the n × n matrix having f evaluated at the meet x i x j of x i and x j as its i , j -entry and [ f ( x i x j ) ] denote the n × n matrix having f evaluated at the join x i x j of x i and x j as its i , j -entry. The set S is said to be meet-closed if x i x j S for all 1 i , j n . In this paper we get explicit combinatorial formulas for the determinants of matrices [ f ( x i x j ) ] and [ f ( x i x j ) ] on any meet-closed set S . We also obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the matrices...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 154