Displaying 681 – 700 of 3896

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Congruences and ideals in lattice effect algebras as basic algebras

Sylvia Pulmannová, Elena Vinceková (2009)


Effect basic algebras (which correspond to lattice ordered effect algebras) are studied. Their ideals are characterized (in the language of basic algebras) and one-to-one correspondence between ideals and congruences is shown. Conditions under which the quotients are OMLs or MV-algebras are found.

Congruences in ordered sets

Ivan Chajda, Václav Snášel (1998)

Mathematica Bohemica

A concept of congruence preserving upper and lower bounds in a poset P is introduced. If P is a lattice, this concept coincides with the notion of lattice congruence.

Congruences in ordered sets and LU compatible equivalences

Václav Snášel, Marek Jukl (2009)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

A concept of equivalence preserving upper and lower bounds in a poset P is introduced. If P is a lattice, this concept coincides with the notion of lattice congruence.

Congruences on pseudocomplemented semilattices

Zuzana Heleyová (2000)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

It is known that congruence lattices of pseudocomplemented semilattices are pseudocomplemented [4]. Many interesting properties of congruences on pseudocomplemented semilattices were described by Sankappanavar in [4], [5], [6]. Except for other results he described congruence distributive pseudocomplemented semilattices [6] and he characterized pseudocomplemented semilattices whose congruence lattices are Stone, i.e. belong to the variety B₁ [5]. In this paper we give a partial solution to a more...

Congruences on semilattices with section antitone involutions

Ivan Chajda (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

We deal with congruences on semilattices with section antitone involution which rise e.g., as implication reducts of Boolean algebras, MV-algebras or basic algebras and which are included among implication algebras, orthoimplication algebras etc. We characterize congruences by their kernels which coincide with semilattice filters satisfying certain natural conditions. We prove that these algebras are congruence distributive and 3-permutable.

Conjugated algebras

Ivan Chajda (2009)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

We generalize the correspondence between basic algebras and lattices with section antitone involutions to a more general case where no lattice properties are assumed. These algebras are called conjugated if this correspondence is one-to-one. We get conditions for the conjugary of such algebras and introduce the induced relation. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given to indicated when the induced relation is a quasiorder which has “nice properties", e.g. the unary operations are antitone...

Currently displaying 681 – 700 of 3896