Distances between partially ordered sets
A distance between finite partially ordered sets is studied. It is a certain measure of the difference of their structure.
A distance between finite partially ordered sets is studied. It is a certain measure of the difference of their structure.
The distinguished completion of a lattice ordered group was investigated by Ball [1], [2], [3]. An analogous notion for -algebras was dealt with by the author [7]. In the present paper we prove that if a lattice ordered group is a direct product of lattice ordered groups
Distributive lattices form an important, well-behaved class of lattices. They are instances of two larger classes of lattices: congruence-uniform and semidistributive lattices. Congruence-uniform lattices allow for a remarkable second order of their elements: the core label order; semidistributive lattices naturally possess an associated flag simplicial complex: the canonical join complex. In this article we present a characterization of finite distributive lattices in terms of the core label order...
We present a construction of finite distributive lattices with a given skeleton. In the case of an H-irreducible skeleton K the construction provides all finite distributive lattices based on K, in particular the minimal one.
Brouwerian ordered sets generalize Brouwerian lattices. The aim of this paper is to characterize (α)-complete Brouwerian ordered sets in a manner similar to that used previously for pseudocomplemented, Stone, Boolean and distributive ordered sets. The sublattice (G(P)) in the Dedekind-Mac~Neille completion (DM(P)) of an ordered set (P) generated by (P) is said to be the characteristic lattice of (P). We can define a stronger notion of Brouwerianicity by demanding that both (P) and (G(P)) be Brouwerian....