Displaying 181 – 200 of 445

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Lattices of Scott-closed sets

Weng Kin Ho, Dong Sheng Zhao (2009)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A dcpo P is continuous if and only if the lattice C ( P ) of all Scott-closed subsets of P is completely distributive. However, in the case where P is a non-continuous dcpo, little is known about the order structure of C ( P ) . In this paper, we study the order-theoretic properties of C ( P ) for general dcpo’s P . The main results are: (i) every C ( P ) is C-continuous; (ii) a complete lattice L is isomorphic to C ( P ) for a complete semilattice P if and only if L is weak-stably C-algebraic; (iii) for any two complete semilattices...

Linear extensions of orderings

Vítězslav Novák, Miroslav Novotný (2000)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A construction is given which makes it possible to find all linear extensions of a given ordered set and, conversely, to find all orderings on a given set with a prescribed linear extension. Further, dense subsets of ordered sets are studied and a procedure is presented which extends a linear extension constructed on a dense subset to the whole set.

Linear extensions of orders invariant under abelian group actions

Alexander R. Pruss (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let G be an abelian group acting on a set X, and suppose that no element of G has any finite orbit of size greater than one. We show that every partial order on X invariant under G extends to a linear order on X also invariant under G. We then discuss extensions to linear preorders when the orbit condition is not met, and show that for any abelian group acting on a set X, there is a linear preorder ≤ on the powerset 𝓟X invariant under G and such that if A is a proper subset of B, then A < B...

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 445