Displaying 81 – 100 of 169

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The semantical hyperunification problem

Klaus Denecke, Jörg Koppitz, Shelly Wismath (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

A hypersubstitution of a fixed type τ maps n-ary operation symbols of the type to n-ary terms of the type. Such a mapping induces a unique mapping defined on the set of all terms of type t. The kernel of this induced mapping is called the kernel of the hypersubstitution, and it is a fully invariant congruence relation on the (absolutely free) term algebra F τ ( X ) of the considered type ([2]). If V is a variety of type τ, we consider the composition of the natural homomorphism with the mapping induced...

The Słupecki criterion by duality

Eszter K. Horváth (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

A method is presented for proving primality and functional completeness theorems, which makes use of the operation-relation duality. By the result of Sierpiński, we have to investigate relations generated by the two-element subsets of A k only. We show how the method applies for proving Słupecki’s classical theorem by generating diagonal relations from each pair of k-tuples.

The subalgebra lattice of a finite algebra

Konrad Pióro (2014)

Open Mathematics

The aim of this paper is to characterize pairs (L, A), where L is a finite lattice and A a finite algebra, such that the subalgebra lattice of A is isomorphic to L. Next, necessary and sufficient conditions are found for pairs of finite algebras (of possibly distinct types) to have isomorphic subalgebra lattices. Both of these characterizations are particularly simple in the case of distributive subalgebra lattices. We do not restrict our attention to total algebras only, but we consider the more...

The submaximal clones on the three-element set with finitely many relative R-classes

Erkko Lehtonen, Ágnes Szendrei (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

For each clone C on a set A there is an associated equivalence relation analogous to Green's R-relation, which relates two operations on A if and only if each one is a substitution instance of the other using operations from C. We study the maximal and submaximal clones on a three-element set and determine which of them have only finitely many relative R-classes.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 169