Displaying 61 – 80 of 188

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Odd perfect polynomials over 𝔽 2

Luis H. Gallardo, Olivier Rahavandrainy (2007)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

A perfect polynomial over 𝔽 2 is a polynomial A 𝔽 2 [ x ] that equals the sum of all its divisors. If gcd ( A , x 2 + x ) = 1 then we say that A is odd. In this paper we show the non-existence of odd perfect polynomials with either three prime divisors or with at most nine prime divisors provided that all exponents are equal to 2 .

On a binary recurrent sequence of polynomials

Reinhardt Euler, Luis H. Gallardo, Florian Luca (2014)

Communications in Mathematics

In this paper, we study the properties of the sequence of polynomials given by g 0 = 0 , g 1 = 1 , g n + 1 = g n + Δ g n - 1 for n 1 , where Δ 𝔽 q [ t ] is non-constant and the characteristic of 𝔽 q is 2 . This complements some results from R. Euler, L.H. Gallardo: On explicit formulae and linear recurrent sequences, Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae, 80 (2011) 213-219.

On canonical subfield preserving polynomials

Giacomo Micheli, Davide Schipani (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

Explicit monoid structure is provided for the class of canonical subfield preserving polynomials over finite fields. Some classical results and asymptotic estimates will follow as corollaries.

On Fully Split Lacunary Polynomials in Finite Fields

Khodakhast Bibak, Igor E. Shparlinski (2011)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We estimate the number of possible degree patterns of k-lacunary polynomials of degree t < p which split completely modulo p. The result is based on a combination of a bound on the number of zeros of lacunary polynomials with some graph theory arguments.

On the Asymptotic Behavior of the Ratio between the Numbers of Binary Primitive and Irreducible Polynomials

Borissov, Yuri, Ho Lee, Moon, Nikova, Svetla (2008)

Serdica Journal of Computing

This work was presented in part at the 8th International Conference on Finite Fields and Applications Fq^8 , Melbourne, Australia, 9-13 July, 2007.In this paper, we study the ratio θ(n) = λ2 (n) / ψ2 (n), where λ2 (n) is the number of primitive polynomials and ψ2 (n) is the number of irreducible polynomials in GF (2)[x] of degree n. Let n = ∏ pi^ri, i=1,..l be the prime factorization of n. We show that, for fixed l and ri , θ(n) is close to 1 and θ(2n) is not less than 2/3 for sufficiently large...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 188