Displaying 441 – 460 of 470

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Triangulation in o-minimal fields with standard part map

Lou van den Dries, Jana Maříková (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

In answering questions of J. Maříková [Fund. Math. 209 (2010)] we prove a triangulation result that is of independent interest. In more detail, let R be an o-minimal field with a proper convex subring V, and let st: V → k be the corresponding standard part map. Under a mild assumption on (R,V) we show that a definable set X ⊆ Vⁿ admits a triangulation that induces a triangulation of its standard part st X ⊆ kⁿ.

Une sextique de l'espace projectif réel avec un grand nombre d'anses.

Frédéric Bihan (2001)

Revista Matemática Complutense

It follows from the known restrictions on the topology of a real algebraic variety that the number of handles of the real part of a real nonsingular sextic in CP3 is at most 47. We construct a real nonsingular sextic X6 in CP3 whose real part RX6 has 44 handles. In particular, this surface verifies b1(RX6) = h1,1(X6) + 2. We extend the construction in order to obtain for any even m ≥ 6 a real nonsingular surface Xm of degree m in CP3 verifying b1(RXm) > h1,1(Xm). It is known that such a surface...

Vecteurs propres de matrices de Jacobi

Michèle Audin (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On montre que l’ensemble des matrices tridiagonales périodiques symétriques de spectre fixé possède une direction tangente privilégiée, construite à l’aide des vecteurs propres des matrices et de la jacobienne d’une courbe hyperelliptique. Il se trouve que cette direction est celle du célèbre flot de Toda périodique.

Welschinger invariants of small non-toric Del Pezzo surfaces

Ilia Itenberg, Viatcheslav Kharlamov, Eugenii Shustin (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We give a recursive formula for purely real Welschinger invariants of the following real Del Pezzo surfaces: the projective plane blown up at q real and s 1 pairs of conjugate imaginary points, where q + 2 s 5 , and the real quadric blown up at s 1 pairs of conjugate imaginary points and having non-empty real part. The formula is similar to Vakil’s recursive formula [22] for Gromov–Witten invariants of these surfaces and generalizes our recursive formula [12] for purely real Welschinger invariants of real toric...

Whitney triangulations of semialgebraic sets

Masahiro Shiota (2005)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

A compact semialgebraic set admits a semialgebraic triangulation such that the family of open simplexes forms a Whitney stratification and is compatible with a finite number of given semialgebraic subsets.

Zero-set property of o-minimal indefinitely Peano differentiable functions

Andreas Fischer (2008)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Given an o-minimal expansion ℳ of a real closed field R which is not polynomially bounded. Let denote the definable indefinitely Peano differentiable functions. If we further assume that ℳ admits cell decomposition, each definable closed subset A of Rⁿ is the zero-set of a function f:Rⁿ → R. This implies approximation of definable continuous functions and gluing of functions defined on closed definable sets.

Zeta functions and blow-Nash equivalence

Goulwen Fichou (2005)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We propose a refinement of the notion of blow-Nash equivalence between Nash function germs, which has been introduced in [2] as an analog in the Nash setting of the blow-analytic equivalence defined by T.-C. Kuo [13]. The new definition is more natural and geometric. Moreover, this equivalence relation still does not admit moduli for a Nash family of isolated singularities. But though the zeta functions constructed in [2] are no longer invariants for this new relation, thanks to a Denef & Loeser...

Currently displaying 441 – 460 of 470