Displaying 2361 – 2380 of 3022

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Sparse recovery with pre-Gaussian random matrices

Simon Foucart, Ming-Jun Lai (2010)

Studia Mathematica

For an m × N underdetermined system of linear equations with independent pre-Gaussian random coefficients satisfying simple moment conditions, it is proved that the s-sparse solutions of the system can be found by ℓ₁-minimization under the optimal condition m ≥ csln(eN/s). The main ingredient of the proof is a variation of a classical Restricted Isometry Property, where the inner norm becomes the ℓ₁-norm and the outer norm depends on probability distributions.

Spectral approximation for Segal-Bargmann space Toeplitz operators

Albrecht Böttcher, Hartmut Wolf (1997)

Banach Center Publications

Let A stand for a Toeplitz operator with a continuous symbol on the Bergman space of the polydisk N or on the Segal-Bargmann space over N . Even in the case N = 1, the spectrum Λ(A) of A is available only in a few very special situations. One approach to gaining information about this spectrum is based on replacing A by a large “finite section”, that is, by the compression A n of A to the linear span of the monomials z 1 k 1 . . . z N k N : 0 k j n . Unfortunately, in general the spectrum of A n does not mimic the spectrum of A as...

Spectral integral variation of trees

Yi Wang, Yi-Zheng Fan (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In this paper, we determine all trees with the property that adding a particular edge will result in exactly two Laplacian eigenvalues increasing respectively by 1 and the other Laplacian eigenvalues remaining fixed. We also investigate a situation in which the algebraic connectivity is one of the changed eigenvalues.

Spectral properties of a certain class of Carleman operators

S. M. Bahri (2007)

Archivum Mathematicum

The object of the present work is to construct all the generalized spectral functions of a certain class of Carleman operators in the Hilbert space L 2 X , μ and establish the corresponding expansion theorems, when the deficiency indices are (1,1). This is done by constructing the generalized resolvents of A and then using the Stieltjes inversion formula.

Currently displaying 2361 – 2380 of 3022