Untersuchungen über quadratische Formen in Körpern der Charakteristik 2.
We present a lower and an upper bound for the second smallest eigenvalue of Laplacian matrices in terms of the averaged minimal cut of weighted graphs. This is used to obtain an upper bound for the real parts of the non-maximal eigenvalues of irreducible nonnegative matrices. The result can be applied to Markov chains.
En este trabajo se estudia la existencia y unicidad de vectores bidimensionales de variables discretas con recorrido finito, cuando se fijan sus distribuciones condicionadas. Para ello, tras repasar la literatura existente sobre el tema, proporcionamos diversos resultados que relacionan diversos temas de álgebra matricial, especialmente la descomposición singular, con el problema que nos ocupa.
This is an account of some work of Markus Rost and his students Dominik Boos and Susanne Maurer. It concerns the possible dimensions for composition (also called Hurwitz) algebras. We adapt the work to the braided monoidal setting.