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Maximizing Spectral Radii of Uniform Hypergraphs with Few Edges

Yi-Zheng Fan, Ying-Ying Tan, Xi-Xi Peng, An-Hong Liu (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In this paper we investigate the hypergraphs whose spectral radii attain the maximum among all uniform hypergraphs with given number of edges. In particular we characterize the hypergraph(s) with maximum spectral radius over all unicyclic hypergraphs, linear or power unicyclic hypergraphs with given girth, linear or power bicyclic hypergraphs, respectively.

Max-min interval systems of linear equations with bounded solution

Helena Myšková (2012)


Max-min algebra is an algebraic structure in which classical addition and multiplication are replaced by and , where a b = max { a , b } , a b = min { a , b } . The notation 𝐀 𝐱 = 𝐛 represents an interval system of linear equations, where 𝐀 = [ A ̲ , A ¯ ] , 𝐛 = [ b ̲ , b ¯ ] are given interval matrix and interval vector, respectively, and a solution is from a given interval vector 𝐱 = [ x ̲ , x ¯ ] . We define six types of solvability of max-min interval systems with bounded solution and give necessary and sufficient conditions for them.

Métodos para la actualización de los factores de Q y R de una matriz.

Laureano F. Escudero (1984)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

Recientemente se han propuesto varios métodos para modificar los factores Q y R de una matriz una vez que se ha eliminado (o añadido) una fila o una columna. Normalmente la descripción de estos métodos se efectúa en el contexto de una determinada aplicación; quizá sea ésta la causa de su escasa difusión.

Minimal c p rank.

Shaked-Monderer, Naomi (2001)

ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra [electronic only]

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