Displaying 61 – 80 of 133

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On a problem of Bertram Yood

Mart Abel, Mati Abel (2014)

Topological Algebra and its Applications

In 1964, Bertram Yood posed the following problem: whether the intersection of all closed maximal regular left ideals of a topological ring coincides with the intersection of all closed maximal regular right ideals of this ring. It is proved that these two intersections coincide for advertive and simplicial topological rings and, using this result, it is shown that the topological left radical and the topological right radical for every advertive and simplicial topological algebra coincide.

On A -radicals

Sodnomkhorloo Tumurbat, Richard Wiegandt (2006)

Mathematica Slovaca

On clean ideals.

Chen, Huanyin, Chen, Miaosen (2003)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

On L -fuzzy ideals in semirings. I

Young Bae Jun, Joseph Neggers, Hee Sik Kim (1998)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we extend the concept of an L -fuzzy (characteristic) left (resp. right) ideal of a ring to a semiring R , and we show that each level left (resp. right) ideal of an L -fuzzy left (resp. right) ideal μ of R is characteristic iff μ is L -fuzzy characteristic.

On L -fuzzy ideals in semirings. II

Joseph Neggers, Young Bae Jun, Hee Sik Kim (1999)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study some properties of L -fuzzy left (right) ideals of a semiring R related to level left (right) ideals.

On presentations of semigroup rings

Mario Petrich, Pedro V. Silva (1999)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Siano I un ideale di un anello R e σ una congruenza su un semigruppo S . Consideriamo l'anello semigruppo R / I S / σ come un'immagine omomorfa dell'anello semigruppo R S . Questo è fatto in tre passi: prima studiando l'anello semigruppo R S / σ , poi R / I S e infine combinando i due casi speciali. In ciascun caso, determiniamo l'ideale che è il nucleo dell'omomorfismo in questione. I risultati corrispondenti per le C -algebre, dove C è un anello commutativo, possono essere facilmente dedotti. Alcuni raffinamenti, casi speciali...

On rings with a unique proper essential right ideal

O. A. S. Karamzadeh, M. Motamedi, S. M. Shahrtash (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Right ue-rings (rings with the property of the title, i.e., with the maximality of the right socle) are investigated. It is shown that a semiprime ring R is a right ue-ring if and only if R is a regular V-ring with the socle being a maximal right ideal, and if and only if the intrinsic topology of R is non-discrete Hausdorff and dense proper right ideals are semisimple. It is proved that if R is a right self-injective right ue-ring (local right ue-ring), then R is never semiprime and is Artin semisimple...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 133