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Path coalgebras of profinite bound quivers, cotensor coalgebras of bound species and locally nilpotent representations

Daniel Simson (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove that the study of the category C-Comod of left comodules over a K-coalgebra C reduces to the study of K-linear representations of a quiver with relations if K is an algebraically closed field, and to the study of K-linear representations of a K-species with relations if K is a perfect field. Given a field K and a quiver Q = (Q₀,Q₁), we show that any subcoalgebra C of the path K-coalgebra K◻Q containing K Q K Q is the path coalgebra K ( Q , ) of a profinite bound quiver (Q,), and the category C-Comod...

Properties of G-atoms and full Galois covering reduction to stabilizers

Piotr Dowbor (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Given a group G of k-linear automorphisms of a locally bounded k-category R it is proved that the endomorphism algebra E n d R ( B ) of a G-atom B is a local semiprimary ring (Theorem 2.9); consequently, the injective E n d R ( B ) -module ( E n d R ( B ) ) * is indecomposable (Corollary 3.1) and the socle of the tensor product functor - R B * is simple (Theorem 4.4). The problem when the Galois covering reduction to stabilizers with respect to a set U of periodic G-atoms (defined by the functors Φ U : B U m o d k G B m o d ( R / G ) and Ψ U : m o d ( R / G ) B U m o d k G B )is full (resp. strictly full) is studied...

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