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(1,4)-groups with homocyclic regulator quotient of exponent p³

David M. Arnold, Adolf Mader, Otto Mutzbauer, Ebru Solak (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The class of almost completely decomposable groups with a critical typeset of type (1,4) and a homocyclic regulator quotient of exponent p³ is shown to be of bounded representation type. There are precisely four near-isomorphism classes of indecomposables, all of rank 6.

A characterization of representation-finite algebras

Andrzej Skowroński, M. Wenderlich (1991)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let A be a finite-dimensional, basic, connected algebra over an algebraically closed field. Denote by Γ(A) the Auslander-Reiten quiver of A. We show that A is representation-finite if and only if Γ(A) has at most finitely many vertices lying on oriented cycles and finitely many orbits with respect to the action of the Auslander-Reiten translation.

A classification of two-peak sincere posets of finite prinjective type and their sincere prinjective representations

Justyna Kosakowska (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Assume that K is an arbitrary field. Let (I, ⪯) be a two-peak poset of finite prinjective type and let KI be the incidence algebra of I. We study sincere posets I and sincere prinjective modules over KI. The complete set of all sincere two-peak posets of finite prinjective type is given in Theorem 3.1. Moreover, for each such poset I, a complete set of representatives of isomorphism classes of sincere indecomposable prinjective modules over KI is presented in Tables 8.1.

A duality result for almost split sequences

Lidia Hügel, Helmut Valenta (1999)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Over an artinian hereditary ring R, we discuss how the existence of almost split sequences starting at the indecomposable non-injective preprojective right R-modules is related to the existence of almost split sequences ending at the indecomposable non-projective preinjective left R-modules. This answers a question raised by Simson in [27] in connection with pure semisimple rings.

A family of noetherian rings with their finite length modules under control

Markus Schmidmeier (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We investigate the category mod Λ of finite length modules over the ring Λ = A k Σ , where Σ is a V-ring, i.e. a ring for which every simple module is injective, k a subfield of its centre and A an elementary k -algebra. Each simple module E j gives rise to a quasiprogenerator P j = A E j . By a result of K. Fuller, P j induces a category equivalence from which we deduce that mod Λ j b a d h b o x P j . As a consequence we can (1) construct for each elementary k -algebra A over a finite field k a nonartinian noetherian ring Λ such that mod A mod Λ , (2) find twisted...

Algebras stably equivalent to trivial extensions of hereditary algebras of type à n

Zygmunt Pogorzały (1993)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The study of stable equivalences of finite-dimensional algebras over an algebraically closed field seems to be far from satisfactory results. The importance of problems concerning stable equivalences grew up when derived categories appeared in representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras [8]. The Tachikawa-Wakamatsu result [17] also reveals the importance of these problems in the study of tilting equivalent algebras (compare with [1]). In fact, the result says that if A and B are tilting...

Almost split sequences for non-regular modules

S. Liu (1993)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let A be an Artin algebra and let 0 X i = 1 r Y i Z 0 be an almost split sequence of A-modules with the Y i indecomposable. Suppose that X has a projective predecessor and Z has an injective successor in the Auslander-Reiten quiver Γ A of A. Then r ≤ 4, and r = 4 implies that one of the Y i is projective-injective. Moreover, if X j = 1 t Y j is a source map with the Y j indecomposable and X on an oriented cycle in Γ A , then t ≤ 4 and at most three of the Y j are not projective. The dual statement for a sink map holds. Finally, if an arrow...

Bipartite coalgebras and a reduction functor for coradical square complete coalgebras

Justyna Kosakowska, Daniel Simson (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let C be a coalgebra over an arbitrary field K. We show that the study of the category C-Comod of left C-comodules reduces to the study of the category of (co)representations of a certain bicomodule, in case C is a bipartite coalgebra or a coradical square complete coalgebra, that is, C = C₁, the second term of the coradical filtration of C. If C = C₁, we associate with C a K-linear functor C : C - C o m o d H C - C o m o d that restricts to a representation equivalence C : C - c o m o d H C - c o m o d s p , where H C is a coradical square complete hereditary bipartite...

Bound quivers of three-separate stratified posets, their Galois coverings and socle projective representations

Stanisław Kasjan (1993)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A class of stratified posets I * ϱ is investigated and their incidence algebras K I * ϱ are studied in connection with a class of non-shurian vector space categories. Under some assumptions on I * ϱ we associate with I * ϱ a bound quiver (Q, Ω) in such a way that K I * ϱ K ( Q , Ω ) . We show that the fundamental group of (Q, Ω) is the free group with two free generators if I * ϱ is rib-convex. In this case the universal Galois covering of (Q, Ω) is described. If in addition I ϱ is three-partite a fundamental domain I * + × of this covering is...

Calabi-Yau stable module categories of finite type

Jerzy Białkowski, Andrzej Skowroński (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We describe the stable module categories of the self-injective finite-dimensional algebras of finite representation type over an algebraically closed field which are Calabi-Yau (in the sense of Kontsevich).

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