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Selfinjective algebras of euclidean type with almost regular nonperiodic Auslander-Reiten components

Grzegorz Bobiński, Andrzej Skowroński (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We give a complete description of finite-dimensional selfinjective algebras of Euclidean tilted type over an algebraically closed field whose all nonperiodic Auslander-Reiten components are almost regular. In particular, we describe the tame selfinjective finite-dimensional algebras whose all nonperiodic Auslander-Reiten components are almost regular and generalized standard.

Selfinjective algebras of tubular type

Jerzy Białkowski, Andrzej Skowroński (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We classify all tame self/injective algebras having simply connected Galois coverings and the stable Auslander-Reiten quivers consisting of stable tubes. Moreover, the classification of nondomestic polynomial growth standard self/injective algebras is completed.

Selfinjective algebras of wild canonical type

Helmut Lenzing, Andrzej Skowroński (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We develop the representation theory of selfinjective algebras which admit Galois coverings by the repetitive algebras of algebras whose derived category of bounded complexes of finite-dimensional modules is equivalent to the derived category of coherent sheaves on a weighted projective line with virtual genus greater than one.

Sincere posets of finite prinjective type with three maximal elements and their sincere prinjective representations

Justyna Kosakowska (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Assume that K is an arbitrary field. Let (I,⪯) be a poset of finite prinjective type and let KI be the incidence K-algebra of I. A classification of all sincere posets of finite prinjective type with three maximal elements is given in Theorem 2.1. A complete list of such posets consisting of 90 diagrams is presented in Tables 2.2. Moreover, given any sincere poset I of finite prinjective type with three maximal elements, a complete set of pairwise non-isomorphic sincere indecomposable prinjective...

Special biserial algebras with no outer derivations

Ibrahim Assem, Juan Carlos Bustamante, Patrick Le Meur (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let A be a special biserial algebra over an algebraically closed field. We show that the first Hohchshild cohomology group of A with coefficients in the bimodule A vanishes if and only if A is representation-finite and simply connected (in the sense of Bongartz and Gabriel), if and only if the Euler characteristic of Q equals the number of indecomposable non-uniserial projective-injective A-modules (up to isomorphism). Moreover, if this is the case, then all the higher Hochschild cohomology groups...

Strongly simply connected coil algebras

Flávio U. Coelho, Ma. I. R. Martins, Bertha Tomé (2004)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We study the simple connectedness and strong simple connectedness of the following classes of algebras: (tame) coil enlargements of tame concealed algebras and n-iterated coil enlargement algebras.

Substructures of algebras with weakly non-negative Tits form.

José Antonio de la Peña, Andrzej Skowronski (2007)

Extracta Mathematicae

Let A = kQ/I be a finite dimensional basic algebra over an algebraically closed field k presented by its quiver Q with relations I. A fundamental problem in the representation theory of algebras is to decide whether or not A is of tame or wild type. In this paper we consider triangular algebras A whose quiver Q has no oriented paths. We say that A is essentially sincere if there is an indecomposable (finite dimensional) A-module whose support contains all extreme vertices of Q. We prove that if...

Symmetric Hochschild extension algebras

Yosuke Ohnuki, Kaoru Takeda, Kunio Yamagata (1999)

Colloquium Mathematicae

By an extension algebra of a finite-dimensional K-algebra A we mean a Hochschild extension algebra of A by the dual A-bimodule H o m K ( A , K ) . We study the problem of when extension algebras of a K-algebra A are symmetric. (1) For an algebra A= KQ/I with an arbitrary finite quiver Q, we show a sufficient condition in terms of a 2-cocycle for an extension algebra to be symmetric. (2) Let L be a finite extension field of K. By using a given 2-cocycle of the K-algebra L, we construct a 2-cocycle of the K-algebra...

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