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Sobre resolubilidad en una categoría de Burgin.

Leoncio Franco Fernández (1979)

Revista Matemática Hispanoamericana

En un trabajo de Huq se introduce el concepto de resolubilidad en categorías [2]. En mi tesis doctoral [1 (4.2.3), p.87] se hace distinción entre resolubilidad fuerte (resolubilidad de Huq) y resolubilidad, conceptos que coinciden en el caso de grupos, anillos asociativos y álgebras de Lie, pero no en cualquier tipo de Ω-grupos, donde la resolubilidad corresponde a la introducida en [1].El objeto de esta nota es dar una caracterización de los objetos resolubles (corolario 6), la cual nos permite...

Some results on C-varieties

Jean-Éric Pin, Howard Straubing (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

In an earlier paper, the second author generalized Eilenberg's variety theory by establishing a basic correspondence between certain classes of monoid morphisms and families of regular languages. We extend this theory in several directions. First, we prove a version of Reiterman's theorem concerning the definition of varieties by identities, and illustrate this result by describing the identities associated with languages of the form (a1a2...ak)+, where a1,...,ak are distinct letters. Next,...

Some results on 𝒞 -varieties

Jean-Éric Pin, Howard Straubing (2005)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

In an earlier paper, the second author generalized Eilenberg’s variety theory by establishing a basic correspondence between certain classes of monoid morphisms and families of regular languages. We extend this theory in several directions. First, we prove a version of Reiterman’s theorem concerning the definition of varieties by identities, and illustrate this result by describing the identities associated with languages of the form ( a 1 a 2 a k ) + , where a 1 , ... , a k are distinct letters. Next, we generalize the notions...

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