Displaying 261 – 280 of 453

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On the 2-primary part of K₂ of rings of integers in certain quadratic number fields

A. Vazzana (1997)

Acta Arithmetica

1. Introduction. For quadratic fields whose discriminant has few prime divisors, there are explicit formulas for the 4-rank of K E . For quadratic fields whose discriminant has arbitrarily many prime divisors, the formulas are less explicit. In this paper we will study fields of the form ( ( p . . . p k ) ) , where the primes p i are all congruent to 1 mod 8. We will prove a theorem conjectured by Conner and Hurrelbrink which examines under what conditions the 4-rank of K E is zero for such fields. In the course of proving...

On the cyclotomic elements in K₂ of a rational function field

Kejian Xu, Chaochao Sun, Shanjie Chi (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

If l is a prime number, the cyclotomic elements in the l-torsion of K₂(k(x)), where k(x) is the rational function field over k, are investigated. As a consequence, a conjecture of Browkin is partially confirmed.

On the exponent of the cokernel of the forget-control map on K₀-groups

Francis X. Connolly, Stratos Prassidis (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For groups that satisfy the Isomorphism Conjecture in lower K-theory, we show that the cokernel of the forget-control K₀-groups is composed by the NK₀-groups of the finite subgroups. Using this information, we can calculate the exponent of each element in the cokernel in terms of the torsion of the group.

Currently displaying 261 – 280 of 453