2-extensions of ℚ with trivial 2-primary Hilbert kernel
The aim of this note is to offer a summary of the definitions and properties of arithmetic symbols on the linear group Gl(n, F) -F being an arbitrary discrete valuation field- and to show that the natural generalizations of the Parshin symbol on an algebraic surface S to the linear group Gl(n, ΣS) do not allow us to define new 2-dimensional symbols on S.[Proceedings of the Primeras Jornadas de Teoría de Números (Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona), 30 June - 2 July 2005)].
Let be a finite abelian extension of number fields with imaginary quadratic. Let be the ring of integers of and a rational integer. We construct a submodule in the higher odd-degree algebraic -groups of using corresponding Gross’s special elements. We show that this submodule is of finite index and prove that this index can be computed using the higher “twisted” class number of , which is the cardinal of the finite algebraic -group .
We construct an uncountable set of strong automorphisms of the Witt ring of a global field.
Let be an odd prime and a cyclic -extension of number fields. We give a lower bound for the order of the kernel and cokernel of the natural extension map between the even étale -groups of the ring of -integers of , where is a finite set of primes containing those which are -adic.
Let be a prime number and be a number field. Since Iwasawa’s works, the behaviour of the -part of the ideal class group in the -extensions of has been well understood. Moreover, M. Grandet and J.-F. Jaulent gave a precise result about its abelian -group structure.On the other hand, the ideal class group of a number field may be identified with the torsion part of the of its ring of integers. The even -groups of rings of integers appear as higher versions of the class group. Many authors...