Displaying 81 – 100 of 471

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Smoothness Properties of Solutions of Caputo-Type Fractional Differential Equations

Diethelm, Kai (2007)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 34A25, 45D05, 45E10We consider ordinary fractional differential equations with Caputo-type differential operators with smooth right-hand sides. In various places in the literature one can find the statement that such equations cannot have smooth solutions. We prove that this is wrong, and we give a full characterization of the situations where smooth solutions exist. The results can be extended to a class of weakly singular Volterra integral equations.

Sobolev inequalities for probability measures on the real line

F. Barthe, C. Roberto (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We give a characterization of those probability measures on the real line which satisfy certain Sobolev inequalities. Our starting point is a simpler approach to the Bobkov-Götze characterization of measures satisfying a logarithmic Sobolev inequality. As an application of the criterion we present a soft proof of the Latała-Oleszkiewicz inequality for exponential measures, and describe the measures on the line which have the same property. New concentration inequalities for product measures follow....

Sobre la concavidad de t-normas y de funciones triangulares.

Núria Agell (1984)


In this note we prove that the unique concave t-norm is Minimum and, among the class of triangular functions that have the family of unit step-functions as idempotent elements, the unique concave triangular function is piM.

Solution of Space-Time Fractional Schrödinger Equation Occurring in Quantum Mechanics

Saxena, R., Saxena, Ravi, Kalla, S. (2010)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

Dedicated to Professor A.M. Mathai on the occasion of his 75-th birthday. Mathematics Subject Classi¯cation 2010: 26A33, 44A10, 33C60, 35J10.The object of this article is to present the computational solution of one-dimensional space-time fractional Schrödinger equation occurring in quantum mechanics. The method followed in deriving the solution is that of joint Laplace and Fourier transforms. The solution is derived in a closed and computational form in terms of the H-function. It provides an elegant...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 471