Displaying 1501 – 1520 of 4562

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Generalizations of Jensen-Steffensen and related integral inequalities for superquadratic functions

Shoshana Abramovich, Slavica Ivelić, Josip Pečarić (2010)

Open Mathematics

We present integral versions of some recently proved results which improve the Jensen-Steffensen and related inequalities for superquadratic functions. For superquadratic functions which are not convex we get inequalities analogous to the integral Jensen-Steffensen inequality for convex functions. Therefore, we get refinements of all the results which use only the convexity of these functions. One of the inequalities that we obtain for a superquadratic function φ is y ¯ φ x ¯ + 1 λ β - λ α α β φ f t - x ¯ d λ t , where x ¯ = 1 λ β - λ α α β f t d λ t and y ¯ = 1 λ β - λ α α β φ f t d λ t which under...

Generalizations of the Jensen-Steffensen and related inequalities

Milica Bakula, Marko Matić, Josip Pečarić (2009)

Open Mathematics

We present a couple of general inequalities related to the Jensen-Steffensen inequality in its discrete and integral form. The Jensen-Steffensen inequality, Slater’s inequality and a generalization of the counterpart to the Jensen-Steffensen inequality are deduced as special cases from these general inequalities.

Generalizations to monotonicity for uniform convergence of double sine integrals over ℝ̅²₊

Péter Kórus, Ferenc Móricz (2010)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate the convergence behavior of the family of double sine integrals of the form 0 0 f ( x , y ) s i n u x s i n v y d x d y , where (u,v) ∈ ℝ²₊:= ℝ₊ × ℝ₊, ℝ₊:= (0,∞), and f: ℝ²₊ → ℂ is a locally absolutely continuous function satisfying certain generalized monotonicity conditions. We give sufficient conditions for the uniform convergence of the remainder integrals a b a b to zero in (u,v) ∈ ℝ²₊ as maxa₁,a₂ → ∞ and b j > a j 0 , j = 1,2 (called uniform convergence in the regular sense). This implies the uniform convergence of the partial integrals...

Generalized Boundary Value Problems for Nonlinear Fractional Langevin Equations

Xuezhu Li, Milan Medveď, Jin Rong Wang (2014)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

In this paper, generalized boundary value problems for nonlinear fractional Langevin equations is studied. Some new existence results of solutions in the balls with different radius are obtained when the nonlinear term satisfies nonlinear Lipschitz and linear growth conditions. Finally, two examples are given to illustrate the results.

Generalized convexities related to aggregation operators of fuzzy sets

Susana Díaz, Esteban Induráin, Vladimír Janiš, Juan Vicente Llinares, Susana Montes (2017)


We analyze the existence of fuzzy sets of a universe that are convex with respect to certain particular classes of fusion operators that merge two fuzzy sets. In addition, we study aggregation operators that preserve various classes of generalized convexity on fuzzy sets. We focus our study on fuzzy subsets of the real line, so that given a mapping F : [ 0 , 1 ] × [ 0 , 1 ] [ 0 , 1 ] , a fuzzy subset, say X , of the real line is said to be F -convex if for any x , y , z such that x y z , it holds that μ X ( y ) F ( μ X ( x ) , μ X ( z ) ) , where μ X : [ 0 , 1 ] stands here for the membership function...

Currently displaying 1501 – 1520 of 4562