Displaying 1821 – 1840 of 4562

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Investigation of smooth functions and analytic sets using fractal dimensions

Emma D'Aniello (2004)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

We start from the following problem: given a function f : 0 , 1 0 , 1 what can be said about the set of points in the range where level sets are «big» according to an opportune definition. This yields the necessity of an analysis of the structure of level sets of C n functions. We investigate the analogous problem for C n , a functions. These are in a certain way intermediate between C n and C n + 1 functions. The results involve a mixture of Real Analysis, Geometric Measure Theory and Classical Descriptive Set Theory.

Isomorphisms of AC(σ) spaces

Ian Doust, Michael Leinert (2015)

Studia Mathematica

Analogues of the classical Banach-Stone theorem for spaces of continuous functions are studied in the context of the spaces of absolutely continuous functions introduced by Ashton and Doust. We show that if AC(σ₁) is algebra isomorphic to AC(σ₂) then σ₁ is homeomorphic to σ₂. The converse however is false. In a positive direction we show that the converse implication does hold if the sets σ₁ and σ₂ are confined to a restricted collection of compact sets, such as the set of all simple polygons.

Iterated quasi-arithmetic mean-type mappings

Paweł Pasteczka (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We work with a fixed N-tuple of quasi-arithmetic means M , . . . , M N generated by an N-tuple of continuous monotone functions f , . . . , f N : I (I an interval) satisfying certain regularity conditions. It is known [initially Gauss, later Gustin, Borwein, Toader, Lehmer, Schoenberg, Foster, Philips et al.] that the iterations of the mapping I N b ( M ( b ) , . . . , M N ( b ) ) tend pointwise to a mapping having values on the diagonal of I N . Each of [all equal] coordinates of the limit is a new mean, called the Gaussian product of the means M , . . . , M N taken on b. We effectively...

Currently displaying 1821 – 1840 of 4562