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Convex-like inequality, homogeneity, subadditivity, and a characterization of L p -norm

Janusz Matkowski, Marek Pycia (1995)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let a and b be fixed real numbers such that 0 < mina,b < 1 < a + b. We prove that every function f:(0,∞) → ℝ satisfying f(as + bt) ≤ af(s) + bf(t), s,t > 0, and such that l i m s u p t 0 + f ( t ) 0 must be of the form f(t) = f(1)t, t > 0. This improves an earlier result in [5] where, in particular, f is assumed to be nonnegative. Some generalizations for functions defined on cones in linear spaces are given. We apply these results to give a new characterization of the L p -norm.

Corrections to the paper “The boundedness of certain sublinear operator in the weighted variable Lebesgue spaces“

Rovshan A. Bandaliev (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper the author proved the boundedness of the multidimensional Hardy type operator in weighted Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent. As an application he proved the boundedness of certain sublinear operators on the weighted variable Lebesgue space. The proof of the boundedness of the multidimensional Hardy type operator in weighted Lebesgue spaces with a variable exponent does not contain any mistakes. But in the proof of the boundedness of certain sublinear operators on the weighted...

Critères de convexité et inégalités intégrales

Serge Dubuc (1977)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Pour trois fonctions non-négatives intégrables sur R n , f , g et h , telles que ( h ( x + y ) ) - 1 / n ( f ( x ) ) - 1 / n + ( g ( y ) ) - 1 / n , Borelll a établi l’inégalité h ( z ) d z min f ( x ) d x , g ( y ) d y ) . Nous déterminons les conditions précises où l’inégalité sera stricte. La clef de cette analyse est une nouvelle caractérisation des fonctions convexes mesurables.

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