Displaying 201 – 220 of 633

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On invariant measures for the tend map.

Francesc Bofill (1988)


The bifurcation structure of a one parameter dependent piecewise linear population model is described. An explicit formula is given for the density of the unique invariant absolutely continuous probability measure mub for each parameter value b. The continuity of the map b --> mub is established.

On joint distribution in quantum logics. I. Compatible observables

Anatolij Dvurečenskij (1987)

Aplikace matematiky

The notion of a joint distribution in σ -finite measures of observables of a quantum logic defined on some system of σ -independent Boolean sub- σ -algebras of a Boolean σ -algebra is studied. In the present first part of the paper the author studies a joint distribution of compatible observables. It is shown that it may exists, although a joint obsevable of compatible observables need not exist.

On joint distribution in quantum logics. II. Noncompatible observables

Anatolij Dvurečenskij (1987)

Aplikace matematiky

This paper i a continuation of the first part under the same title. The author studies a joint distribution in σ -finite measures for noncompatible observables of a quantum logic defined on some system of σ -independent Boolean sub- σ -algebras of a Boolean σ -algebra. We present some necessary and sufficient conditions fot the existence of a joint distribution. In particular, it is shown that an arbitrary system of obsevables has a joint distribution in a measure iff it may be embedded into a system...

On Kalmbach measurability

A. B. d' Andrea, P. de Lucia, John David Maitland Wright (1994)

Applications of Mathematics

In this note we show that, for an arbitrary orthomodular lattice L , when μ is a faithful, finite-valued outer measure on L , then the Kalmbach measurable elements of L form a Boolean subalgebra of the centre of L .

On Kantorovich's result on the symmetry of Dini derivatives

Martin Koc, Luděk Zajíček (2010)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

For f : ( a , b ) , let A f be the set of points at which f is Lipschitz from the left but not from the right. L.V. Kantorovich (1932) proved that, if f is continuous, then A f is a “( k d )-reducible set”. The proofs of L. Zajíček (1981) and B.S. Thomson (1985) give that A f is a σ -strongly right porous set for an arbitrary f . We discuss connections between these two results. The main motivation for the present note was the observation that Kantorovich’s result implies the existence of a σ -strongly right porous set A ( a , b ) ...

On Kurzweil-Stieltjes integral in a Banach space

Giselle A. Monteiro, Milan Tvrdý (2012)

Mathematica Bohemica

In the paper we deal with the Kurzweil-Stieltjes integration of functions having values in a Banach space X . We extend results obtained by Štefan Schwabik and complete the theory so that it will be well applicable to prove results on the continuous dependence of solutions to generalized linear differential equations in a Banach space. By Schwabik, the integral a b d [ F ] g exists if F : [ a , b ] L ( X ) has a bounded semi-variation on [ a , b ] and g : [ a , b ] X is regulated on [ a , b ] . We prove that this integral has sense also if F is regulated on [ a , b ] ...

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 633