Displaying 461 – 480 of 633

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On the Hausdorff Dimension of CAT(κ) Surfaces

David Constantine, Jean-François Lafont (2016)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

We prove that a closed surface with a CAT(κ) metric has Hausdorff dimension = 2, and that there are uniform upper and lower bounds on the two-dimensional Hausdorff measure of small metric balls. We also discuss a connection between this uniformity condition and some results on the dynamics of the geodesic flow for such surfaces. Finally,we give a short proof of topological entropy rigidity for geodesic flow on certain CAT(−1) manifolds.

On the Hausdorff dimension of certain self-affine sets

Abercrombie Alex G.., Nair R. (2002)

Studia Mathematica

A subset E of ℝⁿ is called self-affine with respect to a collection ϕ₁,...,ϕₜ of affinities if E is the union of the sets ϕ₁(E),...,ϕₜ(E). For S ⊂ ℝⁿ let Φ ( S ) = 1 j t ϕ j ( S ) . If Φ(S) ⊂ S let E Φ ( S ) denote k 0 Φ k ( S ) . For given Φ consisting of contracting “pseudo-dilations” (affinities which preserve the directions of the coordinate axes) and subject to further mild technical restrictions we show that there exist self-affine sets E Φ ( S ) of each Hausdorff dimension between zero and a positive number depending on Φ. We also investigate...

On the Henstock-Kurzweil integral for Riesz-space-valued functions defined on unbounded intervals

Antonio Boccuto, Beloslav Riečan (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we introduce and investigate a Henstock-Kurzweil-type integral for Riesz-space-valued functions defined on (not necessarily bounded) subintervals of the extended real line. We prove some basic properties, among them the fact that our integral contains under suitable hypothesis the generalized Riemann integral and that every simple function which vanishes outside of a set of finite Lebesgue measure is integrable according to our definition, and in this case our integral coincides with...

On the ideal (v 0)

Piotr Kalemba, Szymon Plewik, Anna Wojciechowska (2008)

Open Mathematics

The σ-ideal (v 0) is associated with the Silver forcing, see [5]. Also, it constitutes the family of all completely doughnut null sets, see [9]. We introduce segment topologies to state some resemblances of (v 0) to the family of Ramsey null sets. To describe add(v 0) we adopt a proof of Base Matrix Lemma. Consistent results are stated, too. Halbeisen’s conjecture cov(v 0) = add(v 0) is confirmed under the hypothesis t = min{cf(c), r}. The hypothesis cov(v 0) = ω 1 implies that (v 0) has the ideal...

On the infimum convolution inequality

R. Latała, J. O. Wojtaszczyk (2008)

Studia Mathematica

We study the infimum convolution inequalities. Such an inequality was first introduced by B. Maurey to give the optimal concentration of measure behaviour for the product exponential measure. We show how IC inequalities are tied to concentration and study the optimal cost functions for an arbitrary probability measure μ. In particular, we prove an optimal IC inequality for product log-concave measures and for uniform measures on the p balls. Such an optimal inequality implies, for a given measure,...

Currently displaying 461 – 480 of 633