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Weakly mixing but not mixing quasi-Markovian processes

Zbigniew Kowalski (2000)

Studia Mathematica

Let (f,α) be the process given by an endomorphism f and by a finite partition α = A i i = 1 s of a Lebesgue space. Let E(f,α) be the class of densities of absolutely continuous invariant measures for skew products with the base (f,α). We say that (f,α) is quasi-Markovian if E ( f , α ) g : B i i = 1 s s u p p g = i = 1 s A i × B i . We show that there exists a quasi-Markovian process which is weakly mixing but not mixing. As a by-product we deduce that the set of all coboundaries which are measurable with respect to the ’chequer-wise’ partition for σ × S, where σ is...

Weakly mixing rank-one transformations conjugate to their squares

Alexandre I. Danilenko (2008)

Studia Mathematica

Utilizing the cut-and-stack techniques we construct explicitly a weakly mixing rigid rank-one transformation T which is conjugate to T². Moreover, it is proved that for each odd q, there is such a T commuting with a transformation of order q. For any n, we show the existence of a weakly mixing T conjugate to T² and whose rank is finite and greater than n.

Weakly mixing transformations and the Carathéodory definition of measurable sets

Amos Koeller, Rodney Nillsen, Graham Williams (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let 𝕋 denote the set of complex numbers of modulus 1. Let v ∈ 𝕋, v not a root of unity, and let T: 𝕋 → 𝕋 be the transformation on 𝕋 given by T(z) = vz. It is known that the problem of calculating the outer measure of a T-invariant set leads to a condition which formally has a close resemblance to Carathéodory's definition of a measurable set. In ergodic theory terms, T is not weakly mixing. Now there is an example, due to Kakutani, of a transformation ψ̃ which is weakly mixing but not strongly...

Weakly α-favourable measure spaces

David Fremlin (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

I discuss the properties of α-favourable and weakly α-favourable measure spaces, with remarks on their relations with other classes.

Weak-star continuous homomorphisms and a decomposition of orthogonal measures

B. J. Cole, Theodore W. Gamelin (1985)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We consider the set S ( μ ) of complex-valued homomorphisms of a uniform algebra A which are weak-star continuous with respect to a fixed measure μ . The μ -parts of S ( μ ) are defined, and a decomposition theorem for measures in A L 1 ( μ ) is obtained, in which constituent summands are mutually absolutely continuous with respect to representing measures. The set S ( μ ) is studied for T -invariant algebras on compact subsets of the complex plane and also for the infinite polydisc algebra.

Weighted Lp spaces and pointwise ergodic theorems.

Ryotaro Sato (1995)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this paper we give an operator theoretic version of a recent result of F. J. Martín-Reyes and A. de la Torre concerning the problem of finding necessary and sufficient conditions for a nonsingular point transformation to satisfy the Pointwise Ergodic Theorem in Lp. We consider a positive conservative contraction T on L1 of a σ-finite measure space (X, F, μ), a fixed function e in L1 with e > 0 on X, and two positive measurable functions V and W on X. We then characterize the pairs (V,W)...

What’s the price of a nonmeasurable set?

Mirko Sardella, Guido Ziliotti (2002)

Mathematica Bohemica

In this note, we prove that the countable compactness of { 0 , 1 } together with the Countable Axiom of Choice yields the existence of a nonmeasurable subset of . This is done by providing a family of nonmeasurable subsets of whose intersection with every non-negligible Lebesgue measurable set is still not Lebesgue measurable. We develop this note in three sections: the first presents the main result, the second recalls known results concerning non-Lebesgue measurability and its relations with the Axiom...

When ℵ₁ many sets are contained in a countably generated σ-field

R. Drabiński, E. Grzegorek (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We discuss the problem when ℵ₁ sets are contained in a σ-generated σ-field on some set X. This is related to a problem raised by K. P. S. Bhaskara Rao and Rae Michael Shortt [Dissertationes Math. 372 (1998)] which we answer. We also briefly discuss generating the family of all subsets from rectangles.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 69